Color options for a regular Tuscan house are gold, yellow,darkgreen and sage different shades of brown and ochre. These colors are also the options for furniture and rugs. Unlike regular homes Tuscan houses usually will have texture on walls. A way to do this is incorporate a venetian plaster.
There are particular elements that make a Tuscan house noticeable. Tuscan houses usually have a separate area for baking. The Tuscan kitchen has its own open way to put things out so you can see spices and anything else and it wont interfere with any cooking because there in separate parts of the room.
Tuscan houses have been said to be a combination of sheer indulgence and timeless beauty. Tiles used in Tuscan are ceramic tiles and marble tiles. Decorating the bathroom with scrolled ironwork is also a way to make the bathroom more noticeable. Colors chosen in the bathroom is mostly something bright like yellow or gold.
Tuscan furniture usually has a old feeling to it. The tables in a Tuscan house usually have mosaic tiling but the mosaic tiling can also be found on outside furniture. Wooden farmhouse tables are mostly used in a Tuscan kitchen. It is a plain table that is made of solid wood with four legs.
Tuscan houses are mainly found in Italy.Originally the lighting in a Tuscan house is usually dark to protect people from the hot Italian sun. Now people carefully select colors to protect them from the sun and since the houses are made of stone so that helps to. Tuscan homes are roomy and bring that old feel to a home.
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