The Condo of Condos Panel discussion Internet Annual Meeting Arlington, VA 4/22/13 1
Panelists Moderator: Jim Bottum, Clemson University / Internet2 Panelists: Steve Corbató, University of Utah José A.B. Fortes, University of Florida (remote) Frank Timmes, Arizona State University Jim Pepin, Clemson University Barr von Oehsen, Clemson University Wendy Huntoon, Internet2 Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Condo of Condos Founding Consortium Members
Vision Advance our nation's research & scholarly achievements through the transformation of campus computational capabilities and enhanced coupling to the national infrastructure. CoC Tenets Aggregation of resources Building a community through leveraging expertise Marginal investments - transformational change Innovation Platform deployment “Tiger Teams” – SDN Computational Science and Digital Scholarship
A Motivation Source: Educause Core Data
Partners Leverage existing national programs dedicated to interoperability. Condo of Condos addresses the needs of the steadily increasing “long tail” of advanced cyberinfrastructure (ACI) users. Internet2 XSEDE Open Science Grid FutureGrid GENI Blue Waters EPSCoR Track II
Outcomes Create a community of practitioners that: Shares knowledge, experience, and expertise Bridges research communities Form extended local and national collaborations Be a model for “team science” that can be extended and replicated nationwide for both IT staff and scholars
Early Collaboration - NSF HPC Acquisition