Tommy Reed, Henson 7 th
Origins Originally a zealous sect of English Protestantism Most apparent during the 16 th and 17 th centuries. Though many efforts were put for in attempt to change the church of England, the Protestants failed to force their views on England. Once they realized their efforts of change were futile, they began migrating to other countries, such as the Netherlands, and the New World.
Beliefs Believed that it was the governments duty to protect the will of God and punish non- believers and sinners. The Puritans followed the Bible word for word, however personal interpretation of what was read was also an important pennant of Puritanism. Adultery, witchcraft, and heresy were some of the most grievous sins in Puritan society that held the consequence of death.
Interesting Facts The Puritans loaded more beer than water onto the Mayflower before they cast off for the New World Puritans outlawed celebrating Christmas in the 1690s because it wasted too much time. They painted their homes multiple colors. The Puritans were behind the various witch hunts, and trials known today. The most famous of which was held in Salem, Massachusetts in In Puritan times, to be born on a Sunday was interpreted as a sign of great sin. They permitted no divorce except for abandonment although they would allow an annulment because of infertility. While the Puritans appeared to take a loose position on premarital sex, they severely punished adultery and they executed homosexuals.
Works cited "Puritans to Prohibition." WWW2 Webserver. June-July Web. 08 Mar Md, Gavin Finley. "PURITAN HISTORY, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE." The End-Time Pilgrim. Mar.-Apr Web. 08 Mar