Economic flows and networks Van Hamme Gilles IGEAT-ULB Internal Meeting October
2/25 General objective 1.Objective 1: to assess how Europe, its regions and cities participate in the global flows and networks and how the global processes impact on the territorial structures of Europe. How can territorial policies help to improve the position of the different types of regions in the world and ensure the objectives of social and territorial cohesion despite the potentially unequal impacts of globalization on European territories? 2. Concretely: To answer the question Globalization or “continentalisation”. It requires assessing at different scales the openness to globalization and the geography of this openness to the outside world; To assess the national/regional/cities position in the international division of labour; To assess the territorial impacts of globalization inside Europe.
3/25 Implementation 1.At which extent is Europe really globalizing (and with who?) Openess to trade and investments at different scales (Europe, countries, regions) 2. Assessing the position of Europe and its regions in the division of labour by using Regional Trade statistics. 3. Assessing the position of Europe and its regions in the international division of labour through Commodity/Value chain analysis in three sectors (Clothing, automotive industry, software…) 4. Position of European cities in advanced services through GAWC data
4/25 Original aspects 1. Regional trade statistics (possibly completed with FDI regional data) rate of openness : trade/GDP; FDI/GDP The geographical specialization of trade and FDI: share of the different parts of the world in the international trade; The product specialization of trade: share of the different types of products in the international trade. Elaboration of the database: regional statistics obtained through National Statistical Institutes homogenized with official data on countries trade 2. Value chain analysis to assess region’s position in the division of labour.
5/25 Questions and discussion 1.Main questions come from the integration of value chain analysis to build a general picture. This will be discussed later on 2.FDI at regional level or not is still not yet decided? 3.To include trade of services at least at national level.