Government & Politics in Afghanistan By: Katie Martin, Dana Godwin, and Shelby Peters *contains some graphic images
0S0aqgb8 music for presentation
The Taliban
Afghans protesting for Government support against Taliban
the president is elected by direct vote for a five-year term (eligible for a second term)
Women getting to vote
As elections near, women participation is crucial because they are accounted for 55% of Afghanistan’s population. Their participation has increased in politics and has been a huge achievement in women's rights since the fall of the Taliban.
Most people in Afghanistan cannot write so they use a fingerprint to mark the ballot. Also it prevents people from voting twice.
-Leader of the Taliban -Taliban and Al Qaeda Network, headed by Osama bin Laden have been removed from power Mullah Mohammad Omar
President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai
●Corruption is primitive among public officials and the security forces. ●Human resources are limited as the country’s educational establishments are poorly run and prepared. After The Fall of The Taliban
Ilham, Idrees. "As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical." The Asia Foundation. The Asia Foundation, 18 Sept Web. 7 Nov < 18/ as-election-nears-in-afghanistan-womens-political-participation-is-critical/>. Qazi, Abdullah. "Government and Politics." Afghanistan Online. N.p., 11 Mar Web. 11 Nov < cite.php?ADD=Web Site>. Works Cited
Brilliant Background Music - Kites (sad). Prod. Soulmelodymusic. youtube, 14 Apr Web. 7 Nov < watch?v=Mch0S0aqgb8>. "CountryReports" CountryReports. CountryReports, Web 7 Nov Google Images. Google, n.d. Web. 7 Nov < imghp>. Continued...