Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was born on August 29th, His full name is: Michael Joseph Jackson
Jackson Family Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana. Michael Jackson had 6 brothers and 4 sisters.
Jackson 5 Michael Jackson started with his brothers in the Jackson 5. 2 of their famous song are: –ABC –I want you back.
I Want You Back
Question What is his full name? a.Michael Joseph Jackson b.Michael John Jackson c.Jack Jackson
Question When was he born? a.August 29 th, 1948 b.August 29 th, 1958 c.August 29 th, 2009
Question What are the names of the two famous Jackson 5 songs? a. Do Re Mi, I want you back. b. ABC, I want you back. c. Do Re Mi, ABC
Michael Jackson His first solo number 1 song in America was called Ben. This song is about a rat. This song was #1 in America in 彼の最初のソロ、ベンという曲 はアメリカで1番の曲でした。 ねずみのことを歌った曲です。 1972 年にアメリカで一番になっ た曲です。
Michael Jackson He also had another song in America called Rockin Robin. This song is about a bird. This song was number 2 in 彼のもう一つの曲、ロッキング ロビンという曲がアメリカであ りました。 この曲は鳥のことを歌った曲です。 この曲はアメリカで、 1972 年に、 2 番目になりました。
Michael Jackson In 1979, his number 1 song in America was called: “ Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”.
Michael Jackson In 1980 his number 1 song in America was called: “ Rock with You ”. –Please listen to this song and count how many times that you hear the word “ Rock ”.
Question What 2 animals did Michael Jackson sing about in1972? a.Rabbit, Bird b.Rat, Bird c.Cat, Dog
Michael Jackson In 1983, Michael Jackson had three - #1 songs in America. The songs are: –Beat ItBeat It –Billie Jean –Say Say Say
Michael Jackson Michael Jackson’s 1983 song “ Say, Say, Say” was sung with Paul McCartney of the famous group The Beatles Let’s listen to The Beatles.
Michael Jackson Please listen to this song and count how many times that you hear the word “ Say Say Say ”. Let’s listen.
Michael Jackson In 1984, Michael Jackson’s sang PYT and Thriller. PYT only reached #10. PYT stands for –Pretty Young Thing TLC stands for –Tender Loving Care –Please listen to this song and count how many times that you hear the word Pretty Young Thing and Tender Loving Care. Pretty Young Thing + Tender Loving Care = ?
Michael Jackson –Thriller only went to #4
Question Paul McCartney belongs to what famous group? a.SMAP b.The Beatles c.Say, Say, Say
Question PYT and TLC stands for what? a.Pretty Young Thing, Tender Loving Care. b.Pretty Yummy Thank you, Tender Loving Chicken. c.Pretty Yesterday Today, Today Let’s Chill.
Michael Jackson In 1985, Michael Jackson co-wrote a famous song with many other singers. This song was #1 in Please listen to this song and write the name of this song. Title: We a_ _ t _ _ w _ _ _ _.
Michael Jackson 1987 – 1988 He had 5 - #1 songs – I Just Can’t Stop Loving You – Bad 1988 – The Way You Make Me Feel 1988 – Man in the Mirror 1988 – Dirty Diana 1989 – Smooth Criminal
Michael Jackson Because Michael Jackson was famous, many funny songs were made about his famous songs. Like his famous song “Bad”, a funny song “Fat” was made. Please listen. マイケルジャクソンが人気があった為、彼の売れた曲で、面白い 曲がつくられました。たとえば人気のあった ‘ バッド ’ から、面白 い曲 ‘ ファット ’ が生まれました。聞いください。
Michael Jackson In 1987, Michael Jackson’s had a song that I liked called: Smooth Criminal Please listen to this song and count how many times that you hear the word OKAY.
Michael Jackson 1991 #1 Song in America: Black or White In the video, Michael Jackson meets people from all over the world. He visits 5 difference places. Which place did he not visit? AfricaAmericaIndia JapanRussiaThailand
Michael Jackson 1991 #1 Song in America: Black or White ビデオの中で、マイケルは世界のあちこちの国にいきま す。全部で5カ国に行きました。行かなかった国はどこ でしょう。 AfricaAmericaIndia JapanRussiaThailand
Michael Jackson 1992 #3 Song in America: Remember The Time –Please listen to this song and count how many times that you hear the word “Remember”
Michael Jackson 1995 His last number 1 song: You Are Not Alone
Question How many #1 songs did Michael Jackson have in 1987 & 1988? a.5 b.15 c.25
Question What song is similar to Michael Jackson’s song “ Bad ”? a.Sad b.Mad c.Fat
Question What was Michael Jackson’s last #1 song? a.We are the World. b.Black or White c.You Are Not Alone
Michael Jackson Born: August 29 th, 1958 Died: June 25 th, 2009