MNEMONICS It is an alternate way of entering a program. Consists of codes corresponding to each ladder element. Enter these into the programming panel. It is then translated into machine language. The mnemonics used in Mitsubishi F series PLCs is as shown in the following slide.
MITSUBISHI MNEMONICS MNEMONICS FUNCTION LDStart a rung with an open contact OUTAn output ANDA series element and so an AND logic instruction ORParallel elements and so an OR logic instruction IA NOT logic instruction … IUsed in conjunction with other instructions to indicate the inverse ORIAn OR NOT logic function ANIAn AND NOT logic function LDIStart a rung with a closed contact ANBAND used with two subcircuits ORBOR used with two subcircuits RSTReset shift register/counter SHFShift KInsert a constant ENDEnd ladder
AND system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ANDX401 2OUTY430
OR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ORX401 2OUTY430
NOR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDIX400 1ANIX401 2OUTY430
NAND system StepInstructionNotation 0LDIX400 1ORIX401 2OUTY430
XOR system StepInstructionNotation 0LDX400 1ANIX401 2LDIX400 3ANDX401 4ORB 5OUTY430