Neural Impulse control Da’Janel Roberts Matthew Morgan Jonathan James
What? An amplifying device to measure neural impulses Buy or make? Previous groups designs or new?
Requirements High Gain (80dB and up) Low Noise Bandwidth (.5Hz to 50Hz) As low a cost as possible
Previous groups Brainmaster design Instrumentation amp and LPF Option 3 A new design?????
Brainmaster specs Gain : 20,000 (86dB) Bandwidth : 1.7Hz – 34Hz CMRR : 100dB
Brainmaster schematic
Instrumentation Amp Specs Gain : 20,000 (86dB) CMRR : 116dB Bandwidth :.2Hz - >50Hz
Instrumentation schematic
Flow Electrodes Amplifier Filters and A/D The Digital Converter Group
Plan Build a Brainmaster board and test it. If it works, try and digitize the output. If it doesn’t work then move to Instrumentation design and if that does not work….design a new one. Send it along to the digital group.