Take a series of photos in manual mode to demonstrate an understanding of exposure and depth of field.
Set the mode to manual using the mode dial
Command Dial
As you move the dial, the shutter is set to stay open a longer or shorter period of time. Every increment the dial is moved represents one exposure stop. Refer to page 92 in your text book to review the measurements. 30 being the longest exposure time and 2500 being fastest. Shutter ring Shutter speed number
Hold down the aperture button while rotating the command dial to change the aperture.
As you move the dial, the aperture gets larger or smaller. Every increment the dial is moved represents one exposure stop. Refer to page 95 in your text book to review the measurements. 36 being the smallest opening and 3.5 being largest. Aperture Ring Aperture Number
An aperture setting that is too large may cause a photo to be overexposed and blurry. A shutter speed that is too fast may cause the photo to be too dark In Manual mode you will set these controls according to the conditions of your subject.
The lens on the Nikon D 40 is interchangeable. The focal length of the lens on the school cameras is 55 mm. The focal length of a lens is defined as the distance in mm from the optical center of the lens to the focal point, which is located on the image sensor.
Depending on your lens your camera can “see” a specific viewing area.
The 55 mm is capable of a normal viewing area. To adjust the focus manually do the following: Decide what will be in focus adjust the lens so that the subject or object is in focus by turning the large barrel to zoom in and out and the smaller barrel to bring the subject area into sharp focus. Press the shutter button to take the photo
(You may work with a partner, however each student needs to have 4 photos of their own to put in their journal. ) Activity
Take a small object like a cup full of pens, paint brushes or other item. Set the object on the table in the Art space or somewhere outside. Practice setting the shutter speed, aperture and focus so that the cup is in focus, the background is out of focus and the image is well exposed.
Use the same set up; except this time bring the background into focus and the object out of focus. Make sure the image is well exposed.
Go outside. Take a photo of a classmate. Set the focus so that everything (the background and the foreground) is in focus. Make sure the exposure is correct.
Take another photo of your partner, this time bring your partner into sharp focus and blur the background. Make sure the image is correctly exposed.
You should have 4 well exposed and properly focused images to print and put in your journal. And upload to the live group. Print out the photos and create a journal entry with the photos and text. Also send the image as a jpg to the live group and in the description area write the EXIF data and describe the image On each page write the EXIF information and describe the image, for example: PHOTO 1 Cup of pens in the Art Room Exif info- fstop 50/10 shutter speed10/100
File/File info
Choose advanced
Choose Exif Properties
-- Click on the plus sign next to the word EXIF This will expand the list
Record the fnumber and the exposure time.
Create a new file using Portrait 8x10.
Open the first image and resize it to approximately 7 x 5 inches.
Use the move tool to drag the image to the 8 x 10 inch blank document. Repeat for the second image and print.