North West Study Area Staff Recommendation Tuesday, September 22, 2009
North West Study Area Introduction ► Summary of Study Area ► Points of Note ► Staff Recommendation ► Review Schedule of Meetings
North West Study Area ► Area generally bounded on the east by the Highway 59, Highway 1082 and Isabel Swamp Road, on the north by Washington Parish, on the west by Tangipahoa Parish and on the south by Highway 36/US190/Tchefunta River ► Encompasses all unincorporated property northwest of Abita Springs, including the communities of Folsom, Barker’s Corner, Lake Ramsey, and north Covington
North West Study Area
Points of Note ► The North West Study Area encompasses nearly 160 square miles and is largely undeveloped. ► More than 75% of property is zoned R-Rural ► There is a mix of residential, agricultural, as well as small commercial and industrial uses.
Existing Land Use
Points of Note ► In the more heavily populated areas, the home sites are predominately one to two acres in size. ► There are significant tracts of land where larger home sites are located. ► The smaller lots tend to be concentrated near traditional towns and cross roads.
St. Tammany Greenprint
Points of Note ► Traditional commercial centers and town centers have developed in the study area ► Commercial uses beyond agricultural support uses should be consolidated at these historical centers ► Major residential or commercial development should not be encourage north of Highway 190. ► Commercial/Industrial expansion up Highway 25 past River Road should be discouraged.
Proposed Zoning Pattern
Rural Overlay ► The staff recommends that the the RO-Rural Overlay be placed of a significant portion of this study area to specifically permit agriculture uses,permit agriculture uses, to encourage the maintenance of the rural countryside,to encourage the maintenance of the rural countryside, to preserve forests and other undeveloped lands away from areas of population growth, andto preserve forests and other undeveloped lands away from areas of population growth, and to allow residents to retain their traditional ways of allow residents to retain their traditional ways of life.
Rural Overlay
Five Acre Density ► A-1 Single Family Districts are proposed throughout this area where large residential tracts, working livestock and equestrian activities predominate. ► The A-1 District is also proposed where large tracts of undeveloped land are largely inaccessible via public roads.
A-1 Five Acre Density
Three Acre Density ► A-1A Single Family Districts provide for an intermediate pattern between the larger tracts of land and the densities around the historic crossroads
A-1A Three Acre Density
One Acre Density ► A-2 Single Family Districts are around the commercial crossroads of Folsom and Barker’s Corner ► A-2 Single Family Districts also predominates along Hwy 25 between Covington and Folsom
A-2 One Acre Density
Half Acre+ Density ► Densities of one-half acre or higher are only recommended where presently permitted or in those few areas where the densities already exist.
A-3+ Half Acre Density
Commercial Crossroads ► Existing Commercial areas located at or near crossroads should be zoned as such ► Local small businesses provide vital services ► Checkerboard commercial zoning should be consolidated to provide adequate commercial properties for some growth
Barkers Corner
North Covington
Covington-Abita Springs
Staff Recommendation ► The recommendation provides for an overall density of one unit per three acres. ► The Rural Overlay encompasses over 84,000 acres of land or 82% of the developable land.
Staff Recommendation ► Approximately 96% of property designated residential (A or E Districts). ► Approximately 4% of property designated commercial, institutional or mixed use.
Review Schedule of Meetings ► Slide show and map will be available online and in Planning offices on Monday, September 29. ► Special Public Hearings October 20, 2009 November 17, 2009 ► Presentation to Council in December for additional hearings as needed by Parish Council prior to adoption
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