English Novel ─ Different Worlds
Relational Chart Sam’s mom Lauren Ron Jim Sam Mom & daughterMom & daughter Ex-boy/girlfriendEx-boy/girlfriend B o y / g I r l f r I e n d FriendsFriends FriendsFriends
Main Character : Sam’s Mom She is a wise woman. She knows her daughter very much and understands that deaf and regular people are in the different worlds. She wisely lets the misunderstandings between Sam and Jim disappear. I like the people who can handle the things wisely and care about other people’s thoughts, so I think she is the most important character in the story.
Summary A young deaf girl,Sam,fell in love with a boy, Jim. She felt blest until Jim’s ex- girlfriend, Lauren, showed up. Lauren told Sam that Jim had a band. He needed someone who could hear his music, not a deaf person. Sam felt sad and wanted to give up their love. But Sam’s mother and Jim tried hard to let her know that Jim didn’t care about her deaf; he really loved her so much. In the end, they were happy ever after.
The Impression of the Story Sam’ mom gave Sam lots of advices, she’s not only a mother, but also a best friend to Sam. Jim is a nice boy that he doesn’t care about Sam’s deaf, and Sam is brave to their love. They give me a lead, and the story teaches us to be brave, never give up what you want!!
Rewrite the Ending Four years past, Sam was no longer Jim’s girlfriend, but he was still her best friend. In addition, Jim and his band became popular and people around the world all knew the band. One day, Jim came to visit Sam and asked her if she wanted to join the publication of the new album.
Rewrite the Ending “Sam, I hope that you can use sign language to help us express the lyrics in this new album. Because I want to bring the joy of music to the deaf. Your mom use the vibration to let you know what the music is and I want to use the lyrics. ”Jim said. Two months later, there were not only the members of the band on the CD cover, Sam was also there, sharing the happiness of music.
Word – trousers ( 褲子、長褲 ) Page 6 plural noun (US usually and Australian English also pants) Meaning - a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylindrical parts, one for each leg, which are joined at the top An example sentence - He is wearing a new pair of trousers. 他正穿著一條新褲子。
Word – vibration ( 震動 ) Page 7 Noun [C] [U] Meaning - a continuous slight shaking movement An example sentence - You can feel the vibrations of the ship’s engine. 你可以感受到船上引擎的震動 。
Word - accent ( 腔調、口音 ) P.28 noun [C] Meaning - the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from An example sentence - Andy speaks English with a Brazilian accent. Andy 講英文帶有巴西腔。
Word – nursery ( 托兒所 ) Page 37 noun [C] Meaning - a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work An example sentence - Children in the nursery are taken good care of. 這個托兒所的孩子受到很好的照顧。
The Assignment of Work Relational chart - 29 Main Character - 7 Summary & The impression of the story - 2 Ending - 7 Word - 2 & 7 PPT - 29 Report - 2