1 WELCOME Duck Creek Roundtable October 2015
Scouting is a SCREAM October’s Program Plan Bring Can Goods for our local Food Banks Wear your best mask Cub Scouts – New Cub Scout Program (as requested) Webelos – I & II Webelos to Scout Transition Boy Scouts – Service Hours for Scouting (not related to Eagle) Venturing – COPE and Planning 2
Thankful For Scouting November’s Program Plan Cub Scouts PINEWOOD DERBY! It’s a Party! Boy Scouts Troop Open House – Webelos to Visit Venturing Event Planning As always – subject to change with your feedback! 3 Bring Canned Foods
4 We love our Acronyms and Jargon JSN—Join Scouting Night FOS—Friends of Scouting (fundraiser) IOLS—Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills YPT—Youth Protection Training (need by all Leaders) JTE—Journey to Excellence (Quality measure program for units and District)
5 We love our Acronyms and Jargon Wood Badge—Advance adult leadership training program NYLT—National Youth Leadership Training (For youth 13-21) UoS—University of Scouting---day long program with a variety of classes for all levels of scouting SFF—Scouting for Food (done in February as service project to help food pantries all over our area)
6 We love our Acronyms and Jargon Critters—a patrol you were probably put in during Wood Badge SPL—Senior Patrol Leader—in Boy Scouts the boy elected to lead the Troop ASM—Assistant Scoutmaster CM—Sometimes it is Cubmaster and sometimes is it Committee Member DE—District Executive—paid professional scouter for the District
Jargon and More Jargon Gilwell—reference the Park where the first Wood Badge program was held by Lord Baden-Powell, Boy Scouts Founder District Key 3—The District Chair, the District Commissioner and the District Executive (the senior people of the District available to help you) Unit Key 3—The Unit Chair, the Scout/CubMaster or Advisor/Coach/Captain and the Charter Organization Representative 7
Jargon and More Jargon Life for Life---a scout that did not finish his Eagle requirements but made it to the rank just before (Life Scout) OA—Order of the Arrow---the national service organization in Scouting. Unit Commissioner – A friend and resource to your unit to answer questions and find assistance from District and Council 8
Did you know? Roundtable is a great place to get informed about coming events! –All Leaders and Parents are welcome to attend Roundtable –You can add your leaders to the distribution list, just list them in the sign in book Training is available for a number of different things online at my.scouting.org Girls can be Boy Scouts Too! –But they have to be at least 13 and completed the 8 th grade or 14 and in a Venturing Crew or a Ship (Sea Scouts) 9
Did you know? You can get your training records and many online training classes at my.scouting.org Duck Creek has a website on More Great Info at Follow us on FACEBOOK – 10
More Popcorn Dates Be sure your unit is signed up Be sure and pick up your Popcorn Packets 12
13 Amazing Adventure Awaits Troops and Crews, get involved! No Webelos’ Woods This Year. Get connected with the packs. THANK YOU Troop 57 Troop 646 Troop 1188 Troop 1020 Crew 57 Crew 1978
Leader Appreciation Lunch 14 Learn About Leave No Trace CTX /2019 Winter Camp Order of the Arrow Annual Recognition Banquet High Adventure Bases Day Camp Wood Badge Jamboree University of Scouting Adopt-a-School Scouting for Food Camping Committees (Trails, Equestrian, Bikes, Shooting Sports, Aquatics, COPE, Climbing) Religious Emblems NYLT/NAYLE Resident Camps Hornaday Awards NESA Training Knots Fundraising (Popcorn & Camp Cards) STEM/NOVA Schedule 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Booth Midway 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Lunch by the Arrow Bistro
Are You Getting the Info Your Unit Needs Sign in at the registration table to receive updates from the district! Sign up those in your unit who might need these updates as well! –Fundraising, Outdoor Planners and Chair, Training Chair, Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Advisor, etc Be at Roundtables to register and get the details from the volunteers planning the events! –Encourage all leaders in your units to attend Roundtables 15
16 For ALL Units and ages! Check out the CTX – Circle Ten Xperience Table for more information A lot of new details are available Over 3,000 scouts already signed up to attend
Program Training at the October Roundtable! Be there with all your peeps! 17
Peer-to-Peer Custom Recruiting Cards 18 Print your own or Order your cards today at the Membership table! Custom made with your unit’s information Not just for cubs – Available for Troops and Crews as well
Cub Scout Tradition Sign up for the District Pinewood Derby Need a track? Let us know your needs so we can support you Partner with a Troop or Crew to make the event even better! Stay tuned for clinic information. 19
20 Thank you to all who came out! We won an Award!!!! Duck Creek District Scouts were voted MOST PATRIOTIC
The most fun you will ever have at training Hundreds of classes to choose from Held at the SMU campus in Dallas Qualified Youth have classes for them too 22
Online Training Always Available at Roundtable Ask a commissioner or John Wells to assist you! Laptops at the ready Your unit leaders can attend and complete their YPT Training during Roundtable (ask them to bring their headphones / earbuds) Unit Leaders can complete ANY online training at Roundtable 23
RECHARTER INFO All Units are now a January 1 Unit! OCTOBER – Check your YPT records All Recharters are due BEFORE December 31 –This means turn in and paid SAVE THE DATES –Turn in your recharter at the Council office anytime between now and 12/31/2015 –Duck Creek Clinics and Turn In at Firewheel Coffee House (in front of Lowes at GWB/190 and Firewheel Parkway) NOVEMBER 14 th or DECEMBER 12th 24
RECHARTER PROCESS Target DateActivityDays Out 09/02/2015Acquire Ring Out and reconcile with unit roster120 Looking for descrepencies; get applications; sent YPT reminders 10/02/2015ScoutNet available to log on90 Immediatly log in and verify your creditentials work, if not contact your UC or DE ASAP, begin reconciling against unit roster 11/01/2015Membership inventory60 Take the opportunity to verify unit requirements like medical form requirements; additional training of adult leaders 11/16/2015 Unit Charter renewal meeting Boys and Adults Applications/Training Needs Fees required and deadline Plans for the next year (JTE Unit) 45 12/1/2015 Charter Organizational Meeting See Charter Renewal for agenda 30 12/16/2015Submit charter renewal with payment to service center15 25