Tapping Cyber Space : Online Resources for Students and Teachers Emily Buchanan November 14, 2011
Workshop Objectives 1.Understand how to integrate free, simple web 2.0 resources and skills into mainstream content instruction. 2.Explore web 2.0 resources and generate ideas for incorporating them into classroom instruction. 3.Most of my resources come from Cool Tools for School (Wiki for teachers by teachers)Cool Tools for School
Workshop Contents 1.Why use web 2.0 resources and skills?Why use web 2.0 resources and skills? 2.“Give It a Little Vegas”: Presentation Tools and Resources“Give It a Little Vegas”: Presentation Tools and Resources 3.“Mapping Their Thinking”: Graphic Organizer Tools and Resources“Mapping Their Thinking”: Graphic Organizer Tools and Resources 4.“Fun Time Fillers”: Vokis and More“Fun Time Fillers”: Vokis and More 5.Planning and Professional DevelopmentPlanning and Professional Development 6.NC Educator EssentialsNC Educator Essentials
Why use web 2.0 resources/skills? Web 2.0- web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, user-centered design, and collaboration on World Wide Web. – Students know how to use them – Students are engaged and using 21 st century skills (work place/college readiness) – Work is already done for the instructor – Many free resources are available. – Delicious.com- a way to store and share Delicious.com
“Give It a Little Vegas”: Presentation Tools and Resources These resources have free versions available online. Students can upgrade and use these instead of making posters or Power Points for projects. – Prezi.com Prezi.com – Glogster.edu Glogster.edu – Webs- free website maker Webs – Spreaker.com- have students create a live internet radio show (great for pod casting) Spreaker.com
“Mapping Their Thinking”: Graphic Organizer Tools and Resources Everything ESL graphic organizers Haiku LMS- turning your instruction into web- based lessons- view, learn, and grade anywhere at any time Haiku LMS- Class Tools- create your own organizers, games, activities, etc. Class Tools Virtual Flash Cards- pre-made, subject specific sets, or make your own Virtual Flash Cards
“Fun Time Fillers”: Vokis and More Vokis- create avatars as characters, etc. Vokis Flip Book- create animated stories, etc. Flip Book Build Your Wild Self- animal-based avatars Build Your Wild Self Make Beliefs Comics- students make their own animated comic strips to illustrate stories/concepts, etc. Make Beliefs Comics Cartoons- cartoons with an educational message Cartoons
Planning and Professional Development So you want to teach- professional development information, tips, and resources for web 2.0 in the classroom So you want to teach The Educator’s PLN- professional learning network The Educator’s PLN Blooms20- Wiki created by an educator, integrating Web 2.0 and Bloom’s Taxonomy Blooms20 Edgalaxy- “cool stuff for nerdy teachers” Edgalaxy- Problem-Based Learning Guide- resources for using PBL instruction Problem-Based Learning Guide Federal Government- tons of free resources for all content areas Federal Government Plan Book EDU- an easy way to organize original lesson plans- CCR/Essential Standard alignment available with upgraded version. Plan Book EDU
NC Educator Essentials Learn NC- K-12 Teaching and Learning from the UNC School of Education Learn NC Public Schools of North Carolina- Information from NC Department of Public Instruction Public Schools of North Carolina Public Schools of North Carolina ACRE- Crosswalks, “Unpacking” documents, and other resources for Common Core/Essential Standards transition Public Schools of North Carolina ACRE
Time to Explore! Use the lap tops to explore these websites, and the ones on the list (word document). Using the scrap pieces of paper, list the ones you like best and your ideas for using them in instruction. I will the faculty a list of your suggestions/ideas this week. Add great links to a RESOURCES page on your department’s Wiki Questions/Comments & Evaluation