Vietnamese Minority in the Czech Republic: Development and Dynamics at the Turn of Millenium PaedDr. Jaroslav Dokoupil, Ph.D. & Mgr. Jiří Preis The University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic 4th International Conference on Population Geographies Hong Kong, July 2007 Source: ZČUSource: Wikipedia CZ
Brief History of Czech-Vietnamese International Relationship Diplomatic contacts between Czechoslovakia and Vietnam The Contract on Economical and Technological cooperation about 2000 Vietnamese trainees in the Czech companies about 5000 Vietnamese trainees in the Czech companies (six years of training and internship) about Vietnamese scholarship holders in CZ Map source: CIA World Fact Book
Big change: Communist regime fell down, borders opened free market economy, Vietnamese in market-halls and stalls Vietnamese in stone shops; value of education Pictures: Czech Radio
Spatial distribution of several minorities in the Czech Republic (March 2001) RussianSlovakian Ukrainian Vietnamese Source: Czech Statistical Office Germany
Spatial distribution of several minorities in the Czech Republic (March 2001) Hungarian German Polish Gypsy Source: Czech Statistical Office Nationality % of all CZ population Czech94,2 Slovakian1,9 Polish0,5 German0,4 Vietnamese0,2 Chosen nationalities and their ratio in CZ population
Age structure of chosen nationalities in the Czech Republic according to censuses 1991 and 2001 Source of picture: Source of data: Czech Statistical Office
2001 Religious Structure of Chosen Nationalities in the Czech Republic according to the census 2001 Source: Czech Statistical Office
2001 Structure of Education of Chosen Nationalities in the Czech Republic According to the Census 2001 Source: Czech Statistical Office
2001 Employment structure of chosen nationalities in the Czech Republic Source: Czech Statistical Office
2001 Employment in sectors – chosen nationalities in the Czech Republic Source: Czech Statistical Office
Regions and Districts of CZ Cheb Plzeň-city The Karlovarský region The Plzeňský region
Region/minority CzechSlovakianPolishGermanVietnamese Plzeňský95,41,40,10,40,3 Ústecký92,22,70,21,20,4 Karlovarský87,54,60,12,91,0 Jihočeský95,41,40,10,20,1 Středočeský95,81,40,20,1 Praha93,31,60,10,2 Czech Regions: Chosen Minorities versus Czech Nation (%, 2001) Source: Czech Statistical Office
Region, districtForeigners, total Citizenship Viet Nam Abs. Citizenship Viet Nam % The Plzeňský region ,0 Domažlice ,4 Klatovy ,4 Plzeň-city ,4 Plzeň-jih ,8 Plzeň-sever ,9 Rokycany ,6 Tachov ,1 The Karlovarský region ,6 Cheb ,4 Karlovy Vary ,7 Sokolov ,7 Chosen Czech Districts: Ratio of Vietnamese and all Foreigners (%, 2001) Source: Czech Statistical Office
Source: Foreign Police Office
Source: Czech Statistical Office 2007
Source: Institute for Information about Education, Prague 2007
Summary: What Are the Specifics of Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic? 1)Positive population-geographical traits -progressive age structure -very low unemployment -tertiary sector employment prevails, education grows -really good adaptability to the change of social system 2) Regional-geographical aspects -concentration and development in the border areas, especially with Germany -EU membership of CZ did not stop their activities
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