ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 WP9 ANALYSIS from 1/10/2006 to 30/09/2007 FIRST ANNUAL MEETING
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 The main goal of WP9 is to promote the transmission of project information to the general public, local communities, relevant regional and national institutions as well as civil protection agencies.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 The Work Package will maximize the results of the project, in particular: –to raise awareness at the local, regional and inter- regional level about the need to carry out the integrated analysis of tsunamigenic structures and implementing a tsunami early warning system prototype –to favour the co-ordination between stake-holders, including civil protection agencies, and decision makers in implementing actions to increase preparedness and to reduce vulnerability.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Task 9.1 Project communication Task 9.2 Project web site Task 9.3 Contact database Task 9.4 A dissemination plan WP9 TASKS
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Delivery date (project month) Deliverable nameDel. no. minutes of meetings and workshopsD36 periodical management reportsD35 12, 24, project information materials (initial, updates and final) current situation and know-how on tsunami and EWS D34a D34b 8contact database (regularly updated throughout the project)D33 1web siteD32 6project brochureD31 Deliverable list
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Task 9.1 Project communication A project communication image was elaborated, with a logo and a brochure in which are briefly summarized the objectives, the actions and the expected results of the project. Copy of this brochure is available also on the web and today will be distributed to all the present partners.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Brochure Cover
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Brochure Inside
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Task 9.2 Project web site The project web site, “”, was set up using an open source GNU licensed platform (PLONE) and is hosted by the ISMAR computer centre in Bologna. The site contains basic information and status of the project, a description of the partners and related links, documents and reports on project meetings, news etc.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 The Web Site is divided in two areas with different characteristics: publica public section, accessible to every users, and privatea private section fully open to all the project partners with the aim to assure co-ordination and retrieval of project information. Actually on the public section are available, to be downloaded, the project brochure and the NEAREST2007 cruise report.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 PRIVATE AREA PUBLIC AREA
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 The next goals will be to complete the web site with following sections that are under construction: - a list of mutual related links to web sites of interest; - the completion of the public section in which the results of the project, tailored to inform non-specialists and the general public, will be downloadable; - a photo/movie section;
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Task 9.3 Contact database The contact database is not yet fully completed and actually include a list of portuguese, spanish and italian people, institutions and journals that could be sensible to the hazard warning. This database has to be upgraded and we ask to the partner an active contribute.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Task 9.4 Dissemination plan This task foreseen the using of different communication means as newsletters, electronic newsletters, regional and national press, radio / TV etc to reach the non scientific people. In addition the diffusion plan include the presentation of the project activity in scientific meetings or congresses.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Interview list 17 th August 2007 – Faro (Portugal) Interview with Lusa- Agencia de Noticias de Portogal 18th August Faro (Portugal) interview on portuguese TV TVI – Channel 4 interview on portuguese TV RPT - Channel 1 29 th August 2007 interview with italian web newspaper AFFARI ITALIANI ( 3 rd September 2007 radio interview on italian IsoRadio, la Pillola, 9 th September 2007 Tv interview on italian Rai Uno - "Bit“ ( 13 th September 2007 interview on american web journal WIRED ( And so on…
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 Scientific Presentations and posters at International congresses and meetings EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2007 IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007 Parteci pation to ESONET Meeting Partecipation to TRANSFER Meeting
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007 In the meanwhile we have undertaken in the following activities: Developing a relational database of geological and geophysical data (i.e. sub-bottom profiler segy data, MCS segy data, bathymetric data, navigation data etc.).Our goal will be to put this database accessible on the web site. Organizing and mantaining an ftp site ( accessible by login and password in order to permit a sure exchange of big amount of geological/geophysical data among the project Urania 2007 cruise planning, developing and scientific reporting.
ISMAR-BO, ITALY SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY Contract n (GOCE) NEAREST Integrated Observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Marrakech, October 2007