Wireless Propagation Characteristics Prof. Li Ping’an Tel: )
Mobile Commun. Environments Path loss Shadow Multi-path fading Time spread Doppler frequency shift (Doppler spread)
General 3-level Model
Path loss model is used for system planning, cell coverage link budget (what is the frequency reuse factor?) Shadowing is used for power control design 2nd order interference and TX power analysis more detailed link budget and cell coverage analysis Multipath fading is used for physical layer modem design --- coder, modulator, interleaver, etc
Sky Wave Propagation LOS Propagation
Line-of-Sight Equations Optical line of sight Effective, or radio, line of sight d = distance between antenna and horizon (km) h = antenna height (m) K = adjustment factor to account for refraction, rule of thumb K = 4/3
Line-of-Sight Equations Maximum distance between two antennas for LOS propagation: h1 = height of antenna one h2 = height of antenna two
Free Space Loss Consider an Isotropic point source fed by a trans- mitter of P t Watts The energy per unit area of the surface of the sphere with radius d Hence, at a distance d, an receive antenna with effective aperture A e obtain a total power
Free Space Loss Define an antenna gain as Hence, the received power : The wavelength
Free Space Loss Free space loss, ideal isotropic antenna Pt = signal power at transmitting antenna Pr = signal power at receiving antenna = carrier wavelength d = propagation distance between antennas c = speed of light (» 3 ´ 10 8 m/s) where d and are in the same units (e.g., meters)
Free Space Loss Free space loss equation can be recast:
Path Loss Exponent Environmentsn Urban area cellular radio2.7 to 3.5 Shadowed urban cellular radio 3 to 5 In building LoS1.6 to 1.8 Obstructed in building4 to 6 Obstructed in factory2 to 3
Log-normal distribution
Shadowing Effects Variations around the median path loss line due to buildings, hills, trees, etc. Individual objects introduces random attenuation of x dB. As the number of these x dB factors increases, the combined effects becomes Gaussian (normal) distribution (by central limit theorem) in dB scale: “Lognormal” PL(dB) = PL avg (dB) + X where X is N(0, 2 ) where PL avg (dB) is obtained from the path loss model is the standard deviation of X in dB
Small-scale fading: Multipath Rayleigh Fading 100km/hr Delay=D 1 Delay=D 2 TX an impulse D 1 -D 2 RX impulse response
Small-scale channel
Time-varying and time-invariant channel
Why Convolution? x(t) x(t-1)x(t-2) x(t-4)h(4) x(t-0)h(0) x(t-1)h(1) At time t
Time-frequency analysis of the wireless channels 冲激响应 时延多普勒扩展时变传输函数 多普勒扩展
Time-Doppler couple Doppler frequency shift ( 由运动中不同时 间相位变化引起 )
Delay-Frequency couple At any time, auto- correlation of frequency only affects the power of the signal as a function of delay 由于各径中心频率相同,如 果时延扩展小,频率相关性 强,相干合并功率大 Power-delay spectrum
Fourier -couples 自相关功率谱 时间自相关 频率自相关 多普勒谱 时延谱
Coherent-Time: Fast/slow fading TcTc 小尺度信道
Coherent-Bandwidth:Flat fading and frequency selective fading 窄带信号 宽带信号 信道谱 BcBc
Flat Rayleigh fading Symbol Period >> Time Delay Spread Time Delay Spread aa aa aa aa aa aa aa t Equivalent Model: f f1f1 t y(t) = x(t), t [0,T] f f1f1
Rayleigh Fading (No Line of Sight) By Central Limit Theorem Independent zero mean Gaussian Phase is Uniform Magnitude is Rayleigh
Flat Rayleigh fading channel
Rician Distribution-with LoS N+1 paths with one LoS The amplitude of the received signal K factor Zero-means Gaussian each with variance
Rician Distribution Rician Factor Zero-order modified Bessel function
Effects of Racian Factor K
Channel model : Flat fading
Channel Model: Frequency selective fading