Management Recruitment in 2005 ROMANIA
Business sectors Accord Group has recruited for in 2005
Business Sectors with high coverage in management recruitment in 2005: Retail (Hypermarkets, Do-it-Yourself) Automotive / Automobiles Constructions / Construction Materials Particularities within these Business Sectors: Retail: new companies operating on the Romanian market; search for buying/acquisitions management, category management, store management, marketing management Automotive / Automobiles: nation-wide coverage of companies and searches; increasing number of spare parts suppliers; search of management positions with working background in similar industries Constructions / Construction Materials: search for management in niche- engineering; co-ordination of World Class Manufacturing, TPM / TQM, Supply chain Management Business Sector with promising development: Real Estate: search for project managers, especially for developers
Business Sectors with medium coverage in management recruitment in 2005: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (regional management jobs since more and more FMCG companies position Romania as regional HQ for their businesses in the Balkans, in South East Europe and the Carpatic Region) Industry / Manufacturing (opening of factories in both heavy and light industry throughout the country; search of production management) Banking / Insurance (further expansion of branches throughout the country - search for Branch Managers; in banking further first line management roles expected in 2006, as a result of privatization, acquisitions, mergers, new comers; more development is expected in the insurance field) Business Sectors with low coverage in management recruitment in 2005: Advertising / Media (market is relatively stabile, few international new-comers, rather recruitment for the replacement of departing managers) Telecom / IP (stabile market, no overwhelming changes throughout 2005) Services (few new companies started operations in 2005)
Comparison Covered Business Sectors