Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 46 г. Белгорода» School Scientific Society “Heather” Healthy Way of Life
Green Team Members of school scientific society Green Team take care of nature and prevent the pollution of the banks of rivers and forests with hard everyday rubbish.
Ecological Problems
Our School As the Center Of Health School Scientific Society “Heather”
The Aim of the Presentation To clear out if pupils have possibilities to be healthy in our school To involve every pupil of our school in the healthy way of life To add information to the chronicle of our school To work out the training aids for pupils studying English To advertise the experience of organizing school Health Center
The Ways Of Investigation Analyzing school sports equipment Analyzing the equipment of school medical service Interviewing members of different clubs Interviewing students, teachers and members of school administration
The Material Resources Our school has always been the center of health in our region because we have 2 medical rooms, 2 sports grounds, a swimming pool, 6 gymnasiums which are well- equipped with numerous sports goods. sport facilities.
Participants There are 6 sport clubs which are attended by 698 students of our school and 127 by children and grown-ups living not far from us.
We Study and Enjoy We have 4 lessons of Ph. E. in a week and many competitions in different kinds of sport. Our Sport Calendar is very busy.
We Go Hiking There are many pupils who are fond of tourism. We like to go hiking very much. We do it together with our teachers and parents.
A Good Tradition There is a good tradition in our school: every year 4 or 5 groups of approximately children go to different sanatoriums to cure & have a rest. They have already been to Moscow, Voronezh, Kislovodsk, Anapa.
Psychological Health There are 2 psychologists in our school who are always ready to help us in a difficult minute but they give us special classes where we learn how to cope with our problems.
Healthy Mode of Life School teachers and doctors pay much attention to the propaganda of the healthy way of life. They explain how dangerous bad health habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and so on. And we often write about it in our wall newspapers.
Rest During Breaks We can not only study in our school but during every break we can relax in a beautiful winter garden with exotic plants, aquariums with fishes, coops with birds.
Meals Our canteen plays a great role in improving our health. Kind workers prepare for us very tasty meals: salads, fish and meat, different porridges, borshch, rassolnic. Here we can also take fruit juices, yoghurt, and our favourite pizza.
Medical Health Center The administration of our school & of children’s hospital decided to organize a special Medical Centre in our school. It started its work on February, The ceremony of its opening was broadcasted on the local TV.
Relaxation Highly qualified specialists will also help you to relax with the help of special psychological exercises, aroma- therapy, video and audio-programs, to drinking tasty and useful phito-tea.
Aroma Oil Specialists came to the conclusion that aroma oil is more useful than medical treatment and called this way of curing ‘aromatherapy’
Sounds of Music
At the Doctor’s
Proverbs about Health A sound mind in a sound body- в здоровом теле здоровый дух An apple a day keeps the doctor away- кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не понадобится Health is above wealth - здоровье превыше всего Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise –кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile – после обеда поспи, после ужина милю пройди
Pupils of our school love our Alma-mater, because of its kind, wise and friendly atmosphere. We are always engaged in many useful & interesting activities. Much attention is always paid to our health both by teachers and doctors. We are sure that combination of words Health Center can be referred not only to new medical rooms but to our school in general. Here we are