Objective: Students will describe whether they help in the environment. Vocabulary Word: environmentalism Going Green 1
Our predictions for the word, environmentalism A person who practices recycling A person who respects the planet Something about going green Someone that picks up trash
Environmentalism is a noun. It is the effort to advocate or work to protect the air, water, animals, plants, and other natural resources from pollution or its effects. The Go Green class performs environmentalism at Hamann Park.
April is the month of Earth Day.
Grammatical forms Participles: These are words that look like verbs but are used as adjectives. They often end in –ed or –ing (The students recycled (v). The recycled (p) plastics were picked up.) Present-perfect verb tense: has/have + past tense verb (has sustained; has recycled; have composted). First-person pronoun: I
Suggest some ways to help the environment. Use a participle + noun pattern. For example: Cleaning campaign (Cleaning can be a verb, but it’s used as an adjective here, which makes it a participle. Recycled papers Cleaned parks Cleaned paper Planted trees Composting food Renewed bottles
Pattern for Prompt Have you ever participated in a ________(cleaning campaign, recycling drive, garden-growing effort, composting movement, etc)?
Patterns for Response Yes, I have participated in a/an __________ (environmental effort following a participle + noun pattern) when I was in _______(grade level). OR No, I haven’t participated in a/an __________ (environmental effort following a participle + noun pattern) when I was in ______ (grade level).