Start on Time!! Caroline E. Farmer William M. Raines HS The benefits of attending class every day on time! ** “Students will apply time management and task management skills”** ASCA Standard
Current Tardy Policy Confusing No Clear Message If less than seven minutes late, sign tardy log and sit down, quietly. Tardy logs turned in every day to APSS for appropriate discipline. If more than seven minutes late, send to office for re-admit. What is done to tardy students??
A Typical Day 7:15 Bell Rings to Start Class (Explain assignment) Door closed, Warm-Up activity started 7:17 Three Students walk in tardy. Sign Tardy Log, Crack Joke, Talk to Neighbor 7:21 Another Student walks in late Loudly asks what the class is doing 7:25 Two more students late Past seven minutes late, must send to office 7:35 Two students return from office Need directions for assignment * That’s 20 minutes of wasted instructional time!!*
Student’s Impression of Tardy Policy There are no sanctions. “That’s what tardies are for…” Class starts when I get there. Inconsistent
Teacher’s Impression of Tardy Policy Inconsistent Nothing is done “I’ve started imposing my own sanctions. The administration does nothing!” Why must I waste my class time because students can’t come to class?
Let’s START ON TIME!* 1.Whole faculty buy in – United Voice! 2.Implementation – rituals and routines, lesson plans 3.Enforcement – Sanctions 4.Assessment – How are we doing? * Dr. Randy Sprick
What is it? Music Door closed Zones Hall Sweep Sanctions Re-admit Consistency is key!!