Welcome! “The 7 Slight Edges to Creating More Referral Sources” ‘Insights & Applications’ M I N N E S O T A M O R T G A G E A S S O C I A T I O N April 16, 2014
26 Years!! Time management Guy Mission Statement Guy Sales People Managers, Supervisors, & Executives
Applications “Who am I?” “Who do I do it for?” “What do they need or want from me?” “How will they change as a result of what I give them?” Craft your ‘Statement of Purpose’ no longer than 2 or 3 sentences.
Applications Ask yourself; “What part of my Big Picture have I failed to take action on?” Don’t rationalize it. If it’s part of your Big Picture and you haven’t taken action on it, it’s because you lack Courage.
Applications “How can you measure the level of service you personally provide?” Listen to your voice, does it reflect living in your history or living in your imagination?
The Quality Model Ford Dealer Us Customer Service Exceptional Cus. Ser. Quality Prevent/Enhance
The Necessary Evil It can be Expensive It can be Duplicated It has a Perception Problem
The Quality Model Sheraton Mgmt. Front Desk Me Customer Service Exceptional Cus. Ser. Quality Prevent/Enhance Candor
Applications For one week, keep a time log. Track the minutes and hours you are, either with a customer or doing something on the customers’ behalf. If you are spending less than 80% of your time doing something with or for the customer, you’re NOT putting out enough EFFORT.
Applications Begin today to LISTEN to the kind of questions you are asking yourself. Change any non-affirming questions into AFFIRMING questions. Ask for more referrals. Teach everyone in your office how to ask for a referral.
Applications 1.Look at your work area. Ask yourself, “How can I reduce costs to the benefit of the customer?” 2.Keep a money log. 1 month out of every quarter.
Applications Put yourself through a brainstorming session. Ask yourself, “What problems does my company solve?” “What goals do my products and services help the customer reach?” Dig deep. Start talking that way.
Giveaways, Opens, and Webinars If you would like a copy of todays’ PowerPoint—send me an , bring me your card, or bring me a flash “Leading Service Teams” open workshop, May 13 th in Bloomington. ◦$99.00 (marked down from $199.00) “7 Slight Edges” webinar recording—60 minutes with materials ◦$49.00 (marked down from $99.00) ◦Unlimited usage
Contact Information Mark Isaac Owner/Facilitator/Author