Breeds of Sheep
Barbado The Barbado breed originated in Texas. The breed originated from Barbados Blackbelly sheep which were crossed with Rambouillet The coat varies from short hair to coarse wool with a large amount of kemp fibers. Males show the horns for which the breed was selected and the females are polled
Cheviot Originated in Scotland Resistant to cold, windy conditions White, wool free faces Long wool type Wool has a helical crimp Tend to be resistant to worms and footrot
Columbia Developed by the US Department of Ag Developed to thrive on Western ranges Produce medium wool and large amounts of meat
Corriedale Developed in New Zealand & Australia Dual purpose breed: meat and wool Produces bulky, high density wool Most popular breed in South America
Dorset Originated in Europe Medium-sized breed with high quality, white wool Most popular white-faced breed in the United States Horned and polled varieties exist
Hampshire Originated in Hampshire, England Black face and legs Mild demeanor Unbroken wool cap should extend from the neck over the forehead
Jacob Originated in England Two, four, or six horns Black and white fleece Fleece is highly sought after Unimproved breed Rare breed
Lincoln Originated in England The largest breed of sheep Long-wool White faces Pronounced forelock between the ears
Merino Originated in Australia Primarily a wool breed White-faced Most popular breed in Australia High quality wool used in the textile industry
Oxford Originated in England Second largest sheep breed Meat-type breed Tends to forage for its own food White with black ears and bridge of nose
Rambouillet Originated in Spain Shipped to France in 1801 White in color
Royal White Royal White sheep are a hair breed, privately funded and developed in Hermleigh, Texas They grow a longer hair coat in the fall and the shed it off naturally in the spring. The Royal White is pure white. Ewes and rams are polled or naturally hornless. Scrapie resistant?
Southdown Developed in England Well suited to farm flock production Gray face with white body Adapted to wet conditions
Suffolk Originated in England Most popular breed in the US today Produce large amounts of meat White with black faces and legs
Test # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4
Test # 6 # 5 #6 7
Answers Dorset Hampshire Rambouillet Jacob
Test Suffolk Southdown Barbado