Mrs. Bennett’s Breeds of Sheep
Types of Sheep Breeds Fine Wool Breed Medium Wool Breed Long Wool Breed Crossbred Wool Breed Carpet Wool Breed Fur Breed
Merino Fine Wool Breed Good range operation breed As much as 20 lbs of wool per year
Polled Dorset Medium Wool Breed Found in both range and farm flock operations 7 to 8 lbs of wool per year Great carcass quality
Hampshire Medium wool breed Produce excellent market lambs Good milk production
Romney Long Wool Breed Great meat quality Wool from the darker sheep is highly sought after 8 to 12 lbs of wool per year
Corriedale Crossbred Wool Breed from Lincoln, Leicester & Merinos Dual purpose breed 10 to 15 lbs of wool per year Good flocking instincts
Columbia Crossbred Wool Breed Dual purpose breed Developed by the US Department of Ag Developed to thrive on Western ranges 10 to 13 lbs of wool per year
Karakul Pelt Breed Lambs are harvested for pelts Used for clothing Meat has little value today
The History of Natural Colored Sheep In the beginning, the choice of breeding animals was limited. From rather meager beginnings the quality of the animals has been continually improved by careful management and selective breeding. Many colored sheep are now competitive with their white counterparts. Almost every breed of sheep is now represented in natural colors ranging from black to gray to silver to brown to beige to red and blonde.
Ram in Marking Harness How do you know if all the ewes have been bred?
Products from Sheep Fiber….ideas? Meat ….ideas? Dairy ….ideas? Pelts ….ideas?
Meat Lamb chops… they retail for $39.95 at Ruth Chris Steak House for three chops!
Dairy Products
Oh Yeah…… bathing suits were once made of wool too!