Hair, Meat, and Dairy Types
Meat Breeds Ewe Breeds Dual Purpose Breeds Wool Breeds Hair Breeds Five Classifications - 26 – 30 Breeds in US - Only Industry Impact Ms.Simmons2
Developed: Suffolk county England Characteristics: Black head and legs (Free of any wool) Largest breed of sheep Rams up to 350 lbs Ewe up to 250 lbs Noted For: Rapid growth rates, and carcass traits Suffolk Ms.Simmons3
zOrigin: England zBlack face zMeat type zLarge frame/growth z# 1 ram breed Suffolk Ms.Simmons4
Developed: Hampshire county England Characteristics: Black head and legs with wool on them Rams can weigh up to 325 Ewes can weigh up to 225 lbs Noted For: Fast rates of growth and excellent muscling Hampshire Ms.Simmons5
zOrigin: England zBlack face zMeat type zExcellent carcass zMedium wool z# 2 Ram breed Hampshire Ms.Simmons6
Developed: Hampshire county England Characteristics: Mouse colored muzzle and legs with wool on legs Smaller sized Rams can weigh up to 200 Ewes can weigh up to 150 lbs Noted For: Calm docile sheep, gained popularity due to size for young exhibitors Southdowns Ms.Simmons7
zOrigin: England zBase of all meat breeds zMedium wool zEarly maturing zMuscular, light weight carcasses Southdown Ms.Simmons8
Developed: Spain Characteristics: White points, long fleece Rams 220 lbs, Ewes 150 lbs Noted For: Highest Quality fleece, up to 14 lbs Finest Fleece Maternal Strengths Merino Ms.Simmons9
zOrigin: Spain zWhite face zGregarious zFine wool zRams = horned zEwes = polled zWool on shanks zWool blindness Merino Ms.Simmons10
Developed: In France from Merino Characteristics: White with long wool Ram 300 lbs, ewe 250 lbs Noted For: Excellent mothering Hardiness – Western Breed Quality wool, Heavy fleece up to 18 lbs Rambouillet Ms.Simmons11
zOrigin: France zWhite face zGregarious zFine wool zRams = horned zEwes = polled zPredominant fine wool breed in U.S. Rambouillet Ms.Simmons12
Developed: First breed developed in the US Univ of Wyoming Western Range Rambioullet X Lincoln (meat) Characteristics: Large Sheep Rams Rams 300 lbs Ewes 225 lbs Noted For: Mothering Characteristics Good Carcasses Columbia Ms.Simmons13
zOrigin: U.S. zCross of Lincoln & Rambouillet zMeat and wool type zLarge frame/growth zGood mothers Columbia Ms.Simmons14
zOrigin: Angora zMohair Production zSheared twice/year zHorned zSmall Frame zRequire extra management at Kidding Angora Ms.Simmons16
zOrigin: South Africa zMeat Type zHorned zEarly Puberty zExtended Breeding Season zHeavy Muscle Boer Ms.Simmons17
zOrigin: U.S. (1500’s) zSmall/ Agile zHardy zSmall Udders zGood foragers Spanish Ms.Simmons18
zOrigin: New Zealand zHorned zTwinning zIncreased growth Kiko Ms.Simmons19
zOrigin: French Alps zDairy type zHardy zColors: yWhite yFawn yGrey yBlack brown Alpine Ms.Simmons20
zOrigin:Oregon zShort Ears zDairy Type Lamancha Ms.Simmons21
zOrigin: England zDual purpose zVery popular cross with meat type goats zLarge frame zExtended breeding season zAdapts to hot environment Nubian Ms.Simmons22
zOrigin: Switzerland zOldest known dairy breed zMedium frame size zDark color with white ears and white stripes down face. zExcellent udder quality zBest suited for cool climates Toggenburg Ms.Simmons23
zOrigin: Switzerland zHeavy milkers zWhite color zSensitive to excessive sunlight and hot climates Saanen Ms.Simmons24