Kickoff Meeting for Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis September 14 th, 2015 c
Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Overview of Project Team Overview Project Schedule Public Participation Transit Planning Q&A AGENDA
IVC/SDSU Transit Shuttle Analysis Planning Process Public Participation and Stakeholder Outreach Project Kick Off Public Outreach Plan TAC Meeting #1 Stakeholder Interviews Existing Conditions TAC Meeting #2 Surveys (In-person, online, via text) Round 1 Public Workshops (3) Alternatives Analysis TAC Meeting #3 Round 2 Public Workshops (3) Draft Transit Service Plan TAC Meeting #4 Final Reports ICTC Management Committee and Board of Commissioners Presentation SDSU-IV and IVC Presentations
Project Team Overview
AECOM Organizational Chart Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis
Project Schedule
Work Plan & Schedule Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Proposed Project Schedule - Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Months from Notice to Proceed Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6Month 7Month 8Month 9Month 10Month 11 Tasks 1Project Management and Administration Project Implementation Planx Kick-Off Meeting & First Technical Advisory Committee Meetingxx Ongoing Project Coordination/Progress Conferences & Materials x x x x x x x x x x x Payment Schedule/Reporting & Invoices x x x x x x x x x x x 2Public Participation and Stakeholder Outreach Public Outreach Plan Stakeholder Interviews/Operator Interviews Project Technical Advisory Committee Meetings, Materials & Notes x x x x Passenger and Campus Surveys Public Workshops x x Presentations of Final Report 3Existing Conditions Analysis Definition of Study Area Review of Study Area Plans, Studies and Projects Needs Assessment 4Technical Studies and Alternative Analysis Development of Route Alternatives/Infrastructure/Vehicle Options Identification of Decision Criteria and Technical Methodologies Alternatives Analysis Vehicle Technology Alternatives 5Transit Service Implementation Plan Prioritize Alternatives/Develop Recommendations Financial Feasibility/Operations Analysis and Implementation Plan 6Final Reports/Completion of Final Deliverables Contract Close-Out Additional Deliverables (Not Mentioned In Above Schedule) Task Reports , , , Draft and Final Reports DReview F
Project Goals and Concerns
Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Would you like to share any goals and/or concerns related to this study? Is there anything else you would like the project team to keep in mind as we move forward with the study?
Public Participation and Stakeholder Outreach Participación Comunitaria y de Grupos Interesados
IVC/SDSU Transit Shuttle Analysis Planning Process Public Participation and Stakeholder Outreach Project Kick Off Public Outreach Plan TAC Meeting #1 Stakeholder Interviews Existing Conditions TAC Meeting #2 Surveys (In-person, online, via text) Round 1 Public Workshops (3) Alternatives Analysis TAC Meeting #3 Round 2 Public Workshops (3) Draft Transit Service Plan TAC Meeting #4 Final Reports ICTC Management Committee and Board of Commissioners Presentation SDSU-IV and IVC Presentations
Survey Screenshot Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis
Transit Planning
Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Analyze Existing Conditions and Identify Opportunities: –Characteristics of academic community (from Outreach efforts) –Identify “Gaps” in Existing Transit Services –Needs and Opportunities –Prior Proposals (SRTP, Circulator Study) Develop Service Concepts and Guidelines: –Develop Design, Service and Performance Standards –Develop and evaluate service alternatives –Iterative process to develop options Service Recommendations will be Multi-Faceted: –Route alignments, span, and headways –Connectivity and mobility opportunities Support Local Selection of Preferred Alternatives
Project Approach Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Serve IVUP Connections and Mobility Needs Serve Other Academic Mobility Needs –Segment of academic community is “transit dependent” Transfer and Fare Policies Future Funding Sources Project has Two Primary Components: –Outreach and data gathering –Technical transit planning effort Overall Concepts/Questions To Be Addressed: –Direct “Express” Service vs. Interim Stops/Deviations –New Service vs. Modifications to Existing Services –Oriented to Class Time Patterns vs. Regularly Scheduled Shuttle Service
Transit Planning –What’s Available Today? How Much Can We Leverage It? Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis SDSU Imperial Valley Campus in Brawley is Currently Unserved –Located east of State Route 111 Imperial Valley College Campus is Served by Several IV Transit Routes: –Route 2 El Centro-Brawley-Niland (except Sundays) –Route 3 El Centro-Holtville (except Sundays) –Route 4 El Centro-Seeley/Ocotillo (1 eastbound AM trip on weekdays) –Route 21 IVC Express Calexico-IVC (school days; some trips do not operate on Fridays) –Route 22 IVC Express Niland-Brawley-IVC (school days) SDSU Imperial Valley Campus in Calexico is Near Two IV Transit Routes (at East 7 th Street and Encinas Avenue): –Route 1 Calexico-El Centro (last weekday trip operates only when IVC is in session) –Route 21 IVC Express Calexico-IVC (school days; some trips do not operate on Fridays) The Only “One Seat Ride” Today Between IVC and Calexico is on Route 21 IVC Express
Transit Planning – What Kinds of Ideas Will We Consider? Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Leverage Existing IV Transit Services as much as Possible –Route realignments/stopping patterns? –Frequency of service and span of service modifications? –Consider using Route 31/32 Direct Calexico-Brawley as the foundation of a “new” service? Completely New “Imperial Valley University Transit Shuttle” Service –Ridership eligibility? –Stopping patterns – “Express”? –Fare integration? Branding Considerations of “New” Services
Transit Planning – Fleet Needs and Alternative Vehicle Options Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Vehicle Type and Fleet Mix Depend on a Variety of Factors and will Consider Items such as: –Anticipated use –Number of stops –Door number and locations –Seat configuration Alternative Fuel Technologies will also Consider a Range of Issues, including: –Capital cost differences –Operating cost differences –Powerplant reliability –Range –Special facility/maintenance/storage needs –Vehicle amenity/auxiliary systems performance needs –Emissions reductions
Overview of Transportation Emission Reduction Strategies Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis
Data Needs Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis ITEMStatus Ridership Daily boardings (by route) Annual/semester boardings (by route) 5 year ridership history (by route) Passengers/mile & passengers/trip Available boarding and alighting data Bus-to-bus transfer data Student Travel Data Students cross-registered by campus Student housing locations (by ZIP code) Service and Financial Data Annual cost Annual revenue and/or “subsidy” Subsidy (or revenue)/passenger Cost recovery Hours/miles of service Number of buses by route/service Number of drivers Any current service standards and guidelines Service Performance Missed trips Running time – scheduled versus actual Route and schedule adherence Detours Late trips Passenger loading Capital Inventory Bus stop locations/conditions/amenities Bus shelter inventory Transit centers Revenue fleet inventory Operation/maintenance facilities Other Studies Any other prior/ongoing relevant studies (besides SRTP)
Final Plan Elements Imperial Valley College/San Diego State University Transit Shuttle Analysis Operations Plan –Route alignments –Frequencies –Span –Vehicle requirements –Service statistics Financial Plan –Including future funding sources Capital Plan –Identify capital expenditures Implementation Plan and Schedule –Tools required for implementation
Q & A