Present progressive
I am you are he/she/it is we are you are they are The verb To be I am you are he/she/it is we are you are they are
Describe by using the verb to be Subject Verb to be Quality The car It is green. round.
Describe by using the verb to be Subject Verb to be Quality
Describe by using the verb to be Subject Verb to be Quality
The present progressive describes what is happening now. At present _______________________ At this moment _______________________ Now _______________________ Presently _______________________ right now _______________________ Today _______________________ Present Progressive Subject Verb to be Verb +ing Rest of the sentence
Describe what is happening right now. Subject Verb to be Verb +ing Rest of the sentence The baby cheetah
Subject Verb to be Verb +ing Rest of the sentence The mother
Subject Verb to be Verb +ing Rest of the sentence
Subject Verb to be Verb +ing Rest of the sentence