Small Grants Program- 2002
On the Program Promote civic engagement for the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups Decentralized program, managed by the CO Albania CO joined the program in 2000
Program Focus –improvement of civic engagement of poor and marginalized people in dialogue with local/state authorities, –enhance dialogue, enhancing NGOs, Bank, state and other donors partnership –Strengthen relationship –Reducing poverty by working with local and community based NGOs and local authorities –encouragement of social integration of vulnerable groups, –increasing public awareness on their needs, –Promoting their participation in decision making processes and their social integration –Reviewing of the legal framework on civic engagement and empowerment
Evaluation Criteria Engaging marginalized and vulnerable groups Geographic distribution Strengthening CSOs Leveraging funds Activities for promoting Civic Engagement –Promoting dialogue and dissemination about development –Fostering linkages and partnerships
Which are the marginalized groups? Abandoned children Youth with problems Women without support Alone/abandoned elder people Groups of poor population living in - remote rural areas - high polluted areas Displaced population Discriminated minorities
Engaging marginalized and vulnerable groups Grant activities increase the scale and quality of interaction between marginalized groups and government, as well as other stakeholders (CBOs, NGOs and private business) Number of grants40 out of 45 Percent Xxx% of grants provides services such as training, information or TA directly to this groups or offers them the opportunity to participate directly in dialogue
Geographic distribution SmGP location
Strengthening CSOs Grant activities enhance the capacity of CSOs to empower marginalized groups and individuals that have traditionally been ecxluded from participating in the public realm Number of grants12 out of 45 Percent28% One quarter of the grants sought to strengthen CBOs, NGOs or networks. Typical activities: formation of new community groups, leadership training, networking across or between CBOs or CBOs and local government. (Permet, Roma study tour, leadership training for roma women)
Leveraging funds FY-01FY-02FY-03 FY- 04Total Number of project- proposals Number of grants Percent 11%18%14%20%16% Bank's Fund $30,000$25,000$45,000 $48,00 0 $148,00 0 Leveraged Funds for the Program (US$) $18,502$31,790 $ 28,876$35,790$114,958
Kinds of Partnerships Financial Contribution (UNICEF, OSFA, RASP, Partners Albania, local NGO-s, UNDP, USAID, ILO/IPEC) Information Dissemination (Municipalities, communes, international organizations, foundations, NGOs, OSCE regional offices, Careter Center, EU, etc) Participation in decision-making (SNV, AMI, FSHZH, Rural Fund, OSFA, Tirana municipality, Embassies of USA, Netherlands, Canada, non-applicant NGOs) Monitoring (Partners Albania, UNICEF, Rural Finance Fund, ILO/IPEC, OSFA)
Program Beneficiaries Rural Population Urban Population Women Youth Ethnic Minorities NGOs Private Sector Local Government