AMI-Enterprise Use Case Team Status Kay Stefferud Columbus OH, July , Hosted by AEP
Overview Purpose: Develop Use Cases and Functional Requirements for AMI-ENT Group has been meeting regularly since late Oct 2008 Face to face meetings in November, December 2008, and January, April, July 2009 Timeframe October 2008 Use case development begins February2009 Use case development complete March 2009 Functional requirements complete April 2009Present use cases and functional requirements July 2009Propose ratification of version 1.0 ? 2010Complete AMI ENT use case unification
Use Case Examples The DR solution shall manage demand resources. The DR solution shall communicate with organizations that manage the grid. The DR solution shall provide for participation of independent third party electric distributors.
Breakout Session Topics Outage Management use cases –Business Process Models (BPM) –Existing use case status –Diagram using EA Incorporate recent comments –Arizona Public Service Company Scope AMI ENT use cases –Plans to incorporate existing use cases Stakeholders for EA model Incorporation of security requirements Barriers to use and incorporation
Security Requirements Defined by AMI-SEC group Included by reference in AMI-ENT requirements Concern: How to implement security –Leverage industry group expertise (CERT, SANS, CISSP) –Use Secure Coding best practices (threat model with mitigations, secure coding standards, secure design patterns, training/certification, etc.) Secure Coding UCA 2009.pptxSecure Coding UCA 2009.pptx –Advanced: Critical Information Protection, Anti- Tamper