Interfund Nicholas A. Bell Accountant, Enterprise Readiness Office Defense Finance and Accounting Service November 17, 2010
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 2 Agenda Interfund at a Glance What is Interfund Interfund Flow Interfund Data Elements Interfund Bill Questions
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 3 Interfund at a Glance Began in early 1960’s to provide quicker turn around time revolving fund cash flow Eliminates manual check processing between DoD & Agencies Automate transaction processing within Logistic and Financial communities Currently utilizes 80 character record position format Serve as both “bills” and “notices” to a customer that its funds have been charged and the “bill” paid Provides essential information for ordering, billing and eliminations
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 4 What is Interfund “It is DoD policy that DoD customers shall authorize suppliers to use the Interfund billing system to reimburse themselves for materiel, hazardous materiel and waste services, and services related to materiel shipments.” Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, DLA, and Other DoD Acty GSA act as Interfund Seller to DoD for GSA, FAA, and NOAA Exclusions GSA/FAA/NOAA does not act as Interfund buyer Non-DoD customers (i.e. state or local governments, private contractors, individuals, or nonappropriated fund instrumentalities) Major end items (i.e. tanks, complete aircraft, ships, etc…) Not mandatory for Military Assistance Grant Aid Limited Sales for DoD Components
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 5 Interfund Flow
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 6 Interfund Data Elements FS_ Summary Record Doc ID (1-3) Internal Service Use (4) Record Count (5-7) Appropriation Credit (Seller) (8-18) Billing Office - RIC (Seller) (19-21) Internal Use (22-27) FMS Country Code (28-29) Billed DoDAAC (Buyer) (30-35) Date Created (YMM) (36-38) Information Indicator (39) Bill Number (40-44) Billing DoDAAC (Seller) (45-50) Blank (51) Fund Code (52-53) Appropriation Charge (Buyer) (54-64) Amount (65-73) Report to Treasury (YMM) (74-76) Blank (77-79) Billed Office Indicator (80) FA_ Detail Record Doc ID (1-3) RI Code (Seller) (4-6) Sales Price Condition Code (7) Stock Number (8-22) U/I Code (23-24) Quantity (25-29) Document Number (30-43) Suffix (44) Supplementary DoDAAC (45-50) Signal Code (51) Fund Code (52-53) Bill Number (54-58) Mode/Method Code (59) Type of Bill Code (60-61) Day of Year (62-64) Amount (65-73) Unit Price (74-80)
Some Essential Data Elements Document number Unique number consisting of DoDAAC, Julian Date and Serial # DoDAAC Unique number to identify the activity, its authority to buy, bill-to and /or ship-to. Add prefix “DoD” to get Business Partner Number (BPN) for DoD Provides addressing and other information Authoritative database updated by Components/Agencies and maintained at DAAS hub (DLA Transaction Services, formerly DAASC) Fund Code Provides appropriation data consisting of Dept Code (2 char), FY chargeable (1 char), Main Account (4 char) and Limit/Subhead (4 char) May also identify Billed Office in some cases Authoritative database updated by Components/Agencies and maintained at DAAS hub (DLA Transaction Services, formerly DAASC) 11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 7
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 8 Interfund Bill
11/30/2015 Integrity - Service - Innovation 9 Questions? Point of contact: Nicholas A. Bell