2013 Virginia Energy Efficiency INDUSTRY CENSUS
2013 Virginia Energy Efficiency Industry Census Key 2013 Findings and Definitions – Census Completed July-September JOBS: 9,400 Based on reported energy efficiency jobs (4,241) from the 291 reporting companies, the VAEEC estimates an additional 5,166 jobs from companies not taking the census. *see methodology in appendix. Companies: 1,334 The VAEEC estimates 1,334 companies work in the energy efficiency sector in Virginia. Annual Revenue- $289 million From energy efficiency business activity in Virginia. This does not include the revenue of the over 1,000 companies that did not respond to the census. The actual energy efficiency industry revenue could be two to three time higher.
Virginia’s energy efficiency businesses identified the need for: green/energy efficiency programs performance based incentives rebates as the top policy needs 2013 Virginia Energy Efficiency Industry Census 11 Top Five Policy Needs
1) Expand Support for Home Performance with Energy Star to grow the residential market 2) Enable creation of statewide commercial PACE program 3) Expand performance contracting in government buildings 4) Adopt 2012 IECC building codes without revision 5) Convene stakeholder session to expand breadth and depth of EE programs to help state meet its 10% voluntary goal 2013 Virginia Energy Efficiency Industry Census 3 Report- Five Recommendations
1) Convene stakeholder session to expand breadth and depth of EE programs – achieve 10% state voluntary goal & Expand Support for Home Performance with Energy Star 2) Enable creation of statewide commercial PACE program 3) Expand performance contracting in government bldgs 4) Adopt 2012 IECC building codes without revision 2013 Virginia Energy Efficiency Industry Census 3 Working Groups to Help Advance the Recommendations
About the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council: Founded in 2012, the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council seeks to assess and support programs, innovation, best practices and policies which grow Virginia’s energy efficiency industry and to provide a forum for stakeholder interaction.