Recruitment Statistics
Overview of Recruitment 2007/08 Of the 38 vacancies advertised this year, 27 roles were filled and 7 roles were not appointed to. 2 job shares were appointed, 4 successful candidates started in post after 31 August and 4 vacancies were still in progress as at 31 August 2008.
Total Number of Enquiries Made to Vacancies in 2007/08 Of the 336 enquiries received for the total 38 vacancies at the College in the 2007/08 period, 40% were for academic roles and 60% for support roles. In 2007/08 a total of 134 enquiries were made in to 18 academic vacancies advertised, 69.5% of these were from males, 30.5% from females. 202 enquiries were made in to 20 support vacancies advertised, 38% of these were from males, 62% from females.
Total Number of Completed Applications Returned in 2007/08 Of the 134 enquiries made in to academic vacancies, 108 (81%) application forms were completed and returned. This was broken down by 70% male and 30% female applicants. Of the 202 enquiries made in to support vacancies, 102 (50.5%) application forms were completed and returned. This was broken down by 46% male and 54% female applicants.
Number of Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms Returned 2007/08 In the 2007/08 period 195 equal opportunities monitoring forms were returned out of a possible 210, equating to 93%. This is a 2% decrease from the 2006/07 period.
Ethnicity of Applicants in 2007/08 In the 2007/08 period, the highest proportions of applicants declared their ethnicity as White British (62%), followed by White Other (11%) and Other (9%). Encouragingly, there were representatives from a wide range of other ethnicities this academic year, as outlined in the chart above.
Total Number of Candidates Shortlisted in 2007/08 Of 108 academic applications, 41 individuals were short listed, 31 (76%) were male, 10 (24%) were female. Of 102 support applications, 58 individuals were short listed, 27 (46.5%) were male, 31 (53.5%) were female.
Gender of Successful Candidates in 2007/08 Of 18 academic vacancies, a total of 7 males and 2 females were recruited. (The total is more because either the post was unsuccessfully recruited to, a job share was appointed or the recruitment was still in process as at 31 August 2008). Of 20 support vacancies, a total of 8 males and 12 females were recruited.
Ethnicity of Successful Candidates in 2007/08 In 2007/08, 29 individuals were recruited to fill vacancies within the College, of which 9 were academic and 20 support. The ethnicity declared by the new starters was broken down as outlined in the above chart.
Age of Successful Candidates in 2007/08 In the 2007/08 period, the College appointed new starters within all five age brackets. There was a fairly even split between new staff aged in the and age brackets at 34% and 35% respectively.
Comparison of Recruitment Statistics 2005 – 2008
Gender Split of Enquiries to Academic Vacancies The chart illustrates that the number of enquiries made to academic vacancies has decreased overall from 2005/06 to 2007/08 for both males and females.
Gender Split of Enquiries to Support Vacancies The chart illustrates that the number of enquiries made to support vacancies overall has risen slightly from 2005/06 to 2007/08, and in 2006/07 there was a dramatic increase. The number of males enquiring to support roles has decreased every year from 2005/06, whereas the number of females enquiring has fluctuated.
Applications Returned for Academic Vacancies The above chart illustrates that the number of applications for academic roles have decreased year-on-year since 2005/06, however, have remained at a relatively steady rate. The number of females enquiring and applying for academic roles over the three year period has remained at a lower level to that of males, which the College hopes to address as part of its ongoing Action Plans.
Applications Returned for Support Vacancies The above charts indicate that numbers of enquiries and applications to support vacancies within the College have fluctuated in line with the total number of vacancies. Significantly, from 2006/07 to 2007/08, there was a drop of 15% for support enquiries. This could be attributed to the launch of the e-recruitment site, whereby it is less essential for candidates to request further particulars from HR and thus have their details recorded. It may also be down to the slowing economic market within the UK during 2007/08, which could be deterring potential candidates from leaving their current employment, or more simply, due to a decrease in the total number of vacancies.
Ethnicity of Applicants from The above chart shows a decrease in the range of BME backgrounds of candidates applying for roles at the College from 2005/06 to the two consecutive academic years. The percentage of candidates from BME backgrounds applying for roles at the College has decreased from 27% in 2006/07 to 25% in 2007/08, suggesting that there is still work to be done in order to attract more applications from people of ethnic backgrounds.
Gender Comparison of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview This chart illustrates that the gender balance of applicants shortlisted in academic and support areas combined has remained at a fairly even split, particularly over the past two academic years.
Comparison of Gender of Successful Candidate 2005 – 2008 The above chart shows that gender split within successfully appointed candidates has become more balanced over the past two academic years. In relation to females in academia, the percentage of new female starters has increased to 30% in this 2007/08 period from the previous level of 27% in 2006/07, which is encouraging.
Comparison of Ethnicity of Successful Applicants Following on from the ethnicity of applicants slide previously, on a positive note, the percentage of successfully appointed candidates from BME backgrounds increased from 6% in 2006/07 to 10% in 2007/08. However, it does not match the higher percentage of 20% seen in the 2005/06 period.