Recruitment Statistics
Total Number of Enquiries Made to Vacancies in 2006/07 In 2006/07 a total of 175 enquiries were made in to 21 academic vacancies that were advertised, (63%) of these were from males, (37%) from females. 273 enquiries were made in to 23 support vacancies that were advertised, (49%) of these were from males, (51%) from females.
Total Number of Completed Applications Returned in 2006/07 Of the 175 enquiries made in to academic vacancies, (79%) of application forms were completed and returned. Of the 273 enquiries made in to support vacancies, (55%) of application forms were completed and returned.
Ethnicity of Applicants in 2006/07 48% of individuals applying for academic posts stated their ethnicity. 52% of individuals applying for support posts stated their ethnicity.
Total Number of Candidates Shortlisted in 2006/07 Of 116 academic applications, 66 individuals were short listed, 39 (59%) were male, 27 (41%) were female. Of 169 support applications, 100 individuals were short listed, 52 (52%) were male, 48 (48%) were female.
Gender of Successful Candidates in 2006/07 Of 21 academic vacancies, A total of 11 males were recruited and 4 females. (The total is more because more than one person was recruited to a particular post, or the post was unsuccessfully recruited to). Of 23 support vacancies, A total of 7 males were recruited and 15 females. (One post was unsuccessfully recruited to).
Ethnicity of Successful Candidates in 2006/07 14 White individuals and 1 Other Asian individual were appointed to academic posts. 21 White individuals and 1 Black Caribbean individual were appointed to support posts.
Disability of Successful Candidates in 2006/07 12% of successful candidates declared a disability in 2006/07, which is a rise on all previous years where statistics are available
Age of Successful Candidates in 2006/07 24% of all successful applicants were aged in the age bracket 38% of successful applicants were aged in the age bracket 24% of all successful applicants were aged in the age bracket 14% of all successful applicants were aged in the age bracket and no successful applicants were aged in the 61+ age bracket.
Comparison of Recruitment Statistics 2003 – 2007
Gender Split of Enquiries to Academic Vacancies
Gender Split of Enquiries to Support Vacancies
Applications Returned for Academic Vacancies
Applications Returned for Support Vacancies
Ethnicity of Applicants from
Gender Comparison of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview
Comparison of Gender of Successful Candidate 2003 – 2007
Comparison of Ethnicity of Successful Applicants