Jobcentre Plus Employer Services Helping you recruit the people you need
The job market is changing: Fewer than a million people unemployed But a further 3 million claiming benefits –Many of these people want to return to work –They are essential additions to the labour market Jobcentre Plus is committed to making a real difference to their lives
Our Employer Services Employer Direct – place your job vacancies by telephone, or fax Mon – Fri 8am to 8pm, Sat 10am to 4pm – one number for every employer in Britain (11contact centres)
Our Employer Services Local support - Marketing Team personal visits - Vacancy Service Manager
Our Employer Services Employer Direct Online - Create, amend, close your jobs from your own PC, over 24 hours a day - register your business as an approved user - Jobs appear immediately on our website (4 million job searches per week) and 8000 jobpoints -
Our Employer Services Jobs Warehouse (from summer 2006) –currently on trial with 200 recruiters –bulk upload of multiple vacancies in one transaction – for recruiters with large volumes of jobs managed by their own organisation but using Jobcentre Plus display facilities
Measuring our services to employers Employer Outcome Target To measure the success of the recruitment exercise for an employer placing a job with Jobcentre Plus Set at 84% nationally (84.1% here) EOT measures –Matching, Resolution and Responsiveness Employers Verbatim Comments
Long-term strategies that are producing results Every working day: show 400,000 vacancies on our website (with 4 million job searches every week) we deal with over 10,000 vacancies help 5,000 people into jobs support over 20,000 people in finding the right benefit
Community Links Asian Development Association of Bury Launch of ADAB Employment Centre – referals from Jobcentre Plus Job Fairs, Employer Forums Jinnah Centre – various events CIS/Surestart – various events
Recruitment & Diversity Employers encouraged to consider the wider labour market in view of labour restrictions Jobcentre level of recruitment support based on employers’ consideration of a more diverse work force and guaranteed interviews/jobs Examples
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