Berkeley City College
Support Students Support Faculty/Student Services Keep cuts away from the Classroom. Keep cuts away from the Colleges. Support Continuing Students over New Students in Categorical Programs Support Critical Initiatives Such As Basic Skills
Seek Input from Shared Governance Process Gather Ideas to Reduce Expenses and Increase Revenues Maintain Transparency Collaborate and Communicate Index College Funding
Berkeley City College
Adjusted Budget =$10,728, (1351 Adjunct Faculty Allocation + Benefits Removed) 3%$321,845 Berkeley City College Proposed 3% Reduction for Personnel $304,176 Personnel Savings (including benefits) $304,176 Additional Personnel Savings * $17,669 Total 3% $321,845 *Personnel Cost to Title III Grant Charge to: % of salary (including benefits) paid by Title III
Severe staff reductions at a college already understaffed. Only college without classified vacancies in budget to use for budget cuts. Widening the resource gap between Berkeley City College and other Peralta Colleges and the District. Implementing the allocation model stipulated by the Board of Trustees and accreditation will be more difficult as the resource gap widens. Berkeley City College IMPACT OF CUTS