Phil Royle District Operations Manager Greater Manchester Central and Cheshire District
2 Department for Work & Pensions Worklessness Current position and trends Progress with ‘Get Salford Working’ Challenges in the months ahead
3 Department for Work & Pensions Current position for November 2012 Working age population151,000 JSA Claimant count8,171 –of which year olds2,385 2,240 of the 8,171 claimants are unemployed for more than a year JSA New Claims in November 1,689 Numbers leaving JSA in November1,758
4 Department for Work & Pensions Current position - JSA trends in Salford
5 Department for Work & Pensions JSA trends in GM – October 2012
6 Department for Work & Pensions Current position - Inactive benefits Worklessness also includes : People on Employment & Support Allowance or Incapacity Benefit15,200 Manchester : 33,350Wigan : 18,140Bolton : 15,380 Lone Parents on Income Support 3,440 Manchester : 8,580Wigan : 3,000 Bolton : 2,940
7 Department for Work & Pensions Vacancies (Salford) notified to Jobcentre Plus In Oct 2012, 35,950 vacancies were notified across GM 1,793 (Salford, Oct 2011) 2,214 (Salford, Oct 2012)
8 Department for Work & Pensions ‘Getting Salford Working’ - how are we doing ? Salford Jobcentres (4) perform well compared to District and National for speed of getting people off JSA in the first year of unemployment SalfordNational At :13 weeks55.4% weeks74.5%74.89% 39 weeks83.28%82.96% 52 weeks87.97%87.93% Latest figures are year to date to Aug 2012
9 Department for Work & Pensions ‘Getting Salford Working’ - how are we doing ? From April to October 2012 : 2045 signposted to local Work Clubs 510 signposted to Work Together (volunteering) 62 to Enterprise Clubs 974 to Work Experience (of which 301 started) 265 through Sector Based Work Academies 269 referred to New Enterprise Allowance for mentoring 3670 for a Skills Assessment to inform job prospects
10 Department for Work & Pensions ‘Getting Salford Working’ - Long Term Unemployed Work Programme Prime Providers in Salford are : G4S Avanta Seetec –Have received 4,390 referrals from Jobcentre Plus in Salford between June 2011 and October 2012 –Mainly JSA but some ESA customers
11 Department for Work & Pensions Work Programme Of the 4,390 referrals : 150 job outcomes achieved of which 90 went into sustained employment So, 3.5% of Salford claimants attached to the Work Programme have gone into work Against 3.7% nationally and 3.7% in the NW
12 Department for Work & Pensions What’s working……………… Partnership approach – –Salford Futures –Tesco (Sector Based Work Academies) –Skills Conditionality (with Salford City College) –Joint focus on vulnerable groups - Neighbourhood Teams New Enterprise Allowance Work Experience –Kids Without Connections Digital agenda – connecting with our customers –43% of Salford claimants now do JSA Online !
13 Department for Work & Pensions What next……………… A challenging labour market in GM. How do we create more local job opportunities ? Improve outcomes from the Work Programme Continue to improve and increase skills of the workless. Focus on Digital – Universal Jobmatch. Improve services and efficiency by co-location (Irlam) Keep focussed on finding people jobs