Grand Rapids Community College Executive Summary GRCC Workforce Statistics Fall 2008 to Fall 2012 Presented By: Cathy Wilson September 16, 2013
2 GRCC WORKFORCE Race & Gender
3 Race/Ethnicity Breakdown
4 Employee Group Breakdown Race & Gender November 1, 2012 Group Total Minorities Min %FemalesFem % #%#% Exec, Adm & Professional %4848.5% Faculty % % Support % % Total % % Note:Regular, full & part time employees
5 Observations: Current Workforce 11/01/12 Employee Group Highlights 53.3% Female representation overall Highest in Support Staff (55.2%) Lowest in Exec, Admin & Managers (48.5%) Females represent almost half in each employee group 19.5% Minority representation overall Highest in Support Staff (24.2%) Lowest in Exec, Admin & Managers (14.1%) Minority New Hire rate is above its separation rate in each Employee Group!
6 Public College Comparisons Gender, Race & Ethnicity
Michigan 2 year Public Colleges Full Time FACULTY Gender, Race/Ethnicity 7
Minority New Hire Rates (Total Workforce) 5 Year Review 8 NEW HIRE ACTIVITY DATE RANGETot HiresWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ Year Total DATE RANGETot HiresWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ %10.5%5.3%1.8% 11/01/ /31/ %10.2%6.1%2.0%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %8.0%10.0%4.0%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %10.7%8.0%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %25.0%9.4%3.1%0.0% 5 Year Total %12.3%7.2%1.9%0.4%
Minority Separation Rates (Total Workforce) 5 Year Review 9 SEPARATION ACTIVITY DATE RANGETot SepWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ Year Total DATE RANGETot SepWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ %17.5%10.0%0.0%2.5% 11/01/ /31/ %8.1% 2.7% 11/01/ /31/ %8.5%4.3%0.0%2.1% 11/01/ /31/ %12.9%2.9%4.3%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %7.3%9.1%1.8% 5 Year Total %10.8%6.4%2.1%1.6%
Minority Promotion Rates (Total Workforce) 5 Year Review 10 PROMOTION ACTIVITY DATE RANGETot PromoWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ Year Total DATE RANGETot PromoWhiteBlackHispanicAsian AmerNative Amer 11/01/ /31/ %14.0%2.3% 0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %10.4%3.4%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %40.0%8.0%0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %18.8%3.1% 0.0% 11/01/ /31/ %8.3% 0.0% 5 Year Total %18.4%4.3%1.4%0.0%
11 GRCC Applicants (for vacancies 11/1/11 – 10/31/12) Total Qualified Applicants = 1174 Total Applicants (qualified and not qualified) = Hires: average 41 applicants per hire Qualified Applicants who self-identified = % rate of self-identification (based on total qualified applicants) 46.2% (485) females qualified applicants 26.3% (276) minority qualified applicants
12 Total Workforce Hire & Separation Rates 2008 – 2012 TotalMinoritiesFemales DATE RANGEHiresSeparationsHiresSeparationsHiresSeparations 11/01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ /01/ /31/ Year Total TotalMinoritiesFemales DATE RANGEHiresSeparationsHire RateSep RateHire RateSep Rate 11/01/ /31/ %30.0%75.4%60.0% 11/01/ /31/ %18.9%55.1%40.5% 11/01/ /31/ %14.9%54.0%55.3% 11/01/ /31/ %20.0%59.0%52.9% 11/01/ /31/ %20.0%37.5%61.8% 5 Year Total %20.9%58.6%54.6% Note:Regular, full & part time employees 5 year Observations: Minority hire rate is above separation rate Female hire rate above separation rate
13 Employment Activities Summary Separation Observations 11/1/2011 to 10/31/2012 Total Separations (voluntary & involuntary) = 55 Reasons for separation: 14 Retirements 2 Deaths 17 Resignations 21 Positions eliminated/grant ended 1 Misconduct 11 of the 55 separations were minority separations (20%) Separations by GRCC employee group: 28 separations in Meet & Confer (includes 6 retirements) 17 separations in Faculty (includes 5 retirements) 8 separations in ESP (includes 2 retirements) 1 separation in CEBA (a retirement) 1 separation in Campus Police
14 Employee Group Breakdown Promotion & Employment Rates 11/01/ /31/12 TotalMinoritiesFemales Employee GroupPromotionsEmployed*PromotionsEmployed*PromotionsEmployed* Exec, Adm & Mgr Faculty Support Total TotalMinoritiesFemales Employee GroupPromotionsEmployed*PromotionsEmployed*PromotionsEmployed* Exec, Adm & Mgr %14.1%42.9%48.5% Faculty %15.3%0.0%52.8% Support %24.2%20.0%55.2% Total %19.5%33.3%53.3% Notes: Regular, full & part time employees at beginning of date range (11/01/12)
Employment Activities Summary Promotion & Employment Rates 11/01/ /31/12 Total Promotions = 12 (1.9% of Total Workforce) 2 (16.7%) Minorities (below employment rate of 19.5%) 4 (33.3%) Females (below Employment rate of 53.3%) Executive, Administrator, Manager (7) No Minorities 3 (42.9%) Females Support Staff (5) 2 (40.0%) Minorities 1 (20.0%) Female 15
Data Not Required for Affirmative Action Reporting: Adjunct Employees 16 Semester Total # of Adjuncts Total # of Minorities Total # of New Hires % of New Minority New Hires Total # of New Hires who Attended ADJ Event Fall (6.9%)999 (9.0%)NA Winter (7.2%)1098 (7.3%)NA Fall (7.9%)16416 (9.7%)NA Winter (7.6%)19819 (9.5%)NA Fall (8.4%)10512 (11.4%)NA Winter (9.6%)6114 (23%)15 Fall (9.1%)427 (16.7%)6 Winter (8.7%)242 (8.3%)9 Fall (10.2%)275 (18.5%)5 Winter (9.2%)242 (8.3%)5