CprE 588 Embedded Computer Systems Prof. Joseph Zambreno Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University Lecture #5 – System-Level Design with SpecC
Lect-05.2CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 System-On-Chip Design Specification + constraints Memory µProcessor Interface Comp. IP Bus Interface Custom HW System architecture + estimates Processors IPs Memories Busses RTL/IS Implementation + results Registers ALUs/FUs Memories Gates MemRF State Control ALU Datapath PC ControlPipeline State IF FSM State IF FSM IP Netlist RAM IR Memory R. Domer, The SpecC System-Level Design Language and Methodology, Center for Embedded Systems, University of California-Irvine, Specification to architecture to implementation Behavior to structure 1.System level: system specification to system architecture 2.RT/IS level: component behavior to component microarchitecture
Lect-05.3CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Abstraction Levels Structure / Implementation detail Order / Timing detail Functional Untimed (causality) Specification Structural Timed (estimated) Architecture Gate netlist Gate delays Manufacturing Bus- functional Timing- accurate Communication RTL/IS Cycle- accurate Implementation Application domain MOCs (Matlab, SDF, etc.) RequirementsConstraints
Lect-05.4CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 SpecC Methodology System designValidation flow Specification model Algor. IP Proto. IP Architecture model Communication synthesis Communication model Comp. IP Estimation Validation Analysis Compilation Simulation model Estimation Validation Analysis Compilation Simulation model Estimation Validation Analysis Compilation Simulation model Implementation model Software compilation Interface synthesis Hardware synthesis Backend Estimation Validation Analysis Compilation Simulation model RTOS IP RTL IP Architecture exploration Capture
Lect-05.5CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Specification Model Specification model Architecture exploration Architecture model Communication model Implementation model Communication synthesis Backend High-level, abstract model Pure system functionality Algorithmic behavior No implementation details No implicit structure / architecture Behavioral hierarchy Untimed Executes in zero (logical) time Causal ordering Events only for synchronization
Lect-05.6CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Specification Model Example B1 v1 v2 e2 B1 B2B3 Simple, typical specification model Hierarchical parallel-serial composition Communication through ports and variables, events
Lect-05.7CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Specification Model Example (cont.) behavior B2B3( in int v1 ) { int v2; // variables event e2; B2 b2( v1, v2, e2 ); // children B3 b3( v1, v2, e2 ); void main(void) { par { b2.main(); b3.main(); } }; behavior Design() { int v1; // variables B1 b1 ( v1 ); // children B2B3 b2b3( v1 ); void main(void) { b1.main(); b2b3.main(); } }; SpecC design hierarchy: B1 v1 v2 e2 B1 B2B
Lect-05.8CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Specification Model Example (cont.) B1 v1 v2 e2 B1 B2B3 Leaf behaviors C algorithms Port accesses behavior B3( in int v1, in int v2, in event e2 ) { void main(void) { // read v1 wait( e2 ); // wait for sync f3( v1, v2, ); // consume v2 } }; behavior B2( in int v1, out int v2, out event e2 ) { void main(void) { // read v1 v2 = f2( v1, ); // produce v2 notify( e2 ); // synchronize } }; behavior B1( out int v1 ) { void main(void) { v1 = // write v1 };
Lect-05.9CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Communication B2B3 c2 v2 e2 B2B3 Message-passing Abstract communication and synchronization Encapsulate in channel
Lect-05.10CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Channel ISendIRecv ChMP Blocking, unbuffered message-passing interface ISend { void send( void *d, int size ); }; interface IRecv { void recv( void *d, int size ); }; Channel interfaces: channel ChMP() implements ISend, IRecv { void *buf = 0; event eReady, eAck; void send( void *d, int size ) { buf = malloc( size ); memcpy( buf, d, size ); notify( eReady ); wait( eAck ); free( buf ); buf = 0; } void recv( void *d, int size ) { if( !buf ) wait( eReady ); memcpy( d, buf, size ); notify( eAck ); } }; Simulation model:
Lect-05.11CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Specification B2B3 c2 B1 v1 B1 behavior B2( in int v1, ISend c2 ) { void main(void) { v2 = f2( v1, ); c2.send( &v2, sizeof(v2) ); } }; c2.send( &v2, sizeof(v2) ); ISend c behavior B3( in int v1, IRecv c2 ) { void main(void) { c2.recv( &v2, sizeof(v2) ); f3( v1, v2, ); } }; IRecv c2 c2.recv( &v2, sizeof(v2) ); behavior B2B3( in int v1 ) { ChMP c2(); B2 b2( v1, c2 ); B3 b3( v1, c2 ); void main(void) { par { b2.main(); b3.main(); } }; ChMP c2; c
Lect-05.12CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Architecture Exploration Specification model Architecture exploration Architecture model Communication model Implementation model Communication synthesis Backend Component allocation / selection Behavior partitioning Variable partitioning Scheduling
Lect-05.13CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Allocation, Behavior Partitioning Allocate PEs Partition behaviors Globalize communication B2B3 c2 B1 v1 B1 Additional level of hierarchy to model PE structure PE1 PE2
Lect-05.14CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Model after Behavior Partitioning B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2
Lect-05.15CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Synchronization B13rcv B34snd B13snd B34rcv cb13 cb34 behavior BSnd( ISend ch ) { void main(void) { ch.send( 0, 0 ); } }; behavior BRcv( IRecv ch ) { void main(void) { ch.recv( 0, 0 ); } }; Preserve execution semantics For each component-crossing transition Synchronization behavior pair Synchronize over blocking message-passing channel
Lect-05.16CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 After Behavior Partitioning behavior PE1( int v1, ISend cb13, ISend c2, IRecv cb34 ) { B1 b1 ( v1 ); B2B3 b2b3( v1, cb13, c2, cb34 ); void main(void) { b1.main(); b2b3.main(); } }; B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE behavior B2B3( in int v1, ISend cb13, ISend c2, IRecv cb34 ) { B2 b2 ( v1, c2 ); B3Stub b3stub( cb13, cb34 ); void main(void) { par { b2.main(); b3stub.main(); } }; behavior B3Stub( ISend cb13, IRecv cb34 ) { BSnd b13snd( cb13 ); BRcv b34rcv( cb34 ); void main(void) { b13snd.main(); b34rcv.main(); } };
Lect-05.17CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 After Behavior Partitioning (cont.) behavior PE2( in int v1, IRecv cb13, IRecv c2, ISend cb34) { BRcv b13rcv( cb13 ); B3 b3 ( v1, c2 ); BSnd b34snd( cb34 ); void main(void) { b13rcv.main(); b3.main(); b34snd.main(); } }; B3 B13rcv B34snd PE
Lect-05.18CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 After Behavior Partitioning (cont.) B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2 behavior Design () { int v1; ChMP cb13, c2, cb34; PE1 pe1( v1, cb13, c2, cb34 ); PE2 pe2( v1, cb13, c2, cb34 ); void main(void) { par { pe1.main(); pe2.main(); } } };
Lect-05.19CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Variable Partitioning B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2 v1 Shared memory vs. message passing implementation Map global variables to local memories Communicate data over message-passing channels
Lect-05.20CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Model B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2 v1
Lect-05.21CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Communication B13rcv B13snd v1 cb13 v1 behavior B13Snd( in int v1, ISend ch ) { void main(void) { ch.send( &v1, sizeof(v1) ); } }; ch.send( &v1, sizeof(v1) ); in int v1 behavior B13Rcv( IRecv ch, out int v1 ) { void main(void) { ch.recv( &v1, sizeof(v1) ); } }; ch.recv( &v1, sizeof(v1) ); out int v1 Preserve shared semantics of variables Keep local variable copies in sync Communicate updated values at synchronization points Transfer control & data over message-passing channel
Lect-05.22CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Model behavior PE1( ISend cb13, ISend c2, IRecv cb34) { int v1; B1 b1 ( v1 ); B2B3 b2b3( v1, cb13, c2, cb34 ); void main(void) { b1.main(); b2b3.main(); } }; int v1; B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 v behavior B3stub( in int v1, ISend cb13, IRecv cb34 ) { B13Snd b13snd( v1, cb13 ); BRcv b34rcv( cb34 ); void main(void) { b13snd.main(); b34rcv.main(); } }; B13Snd b13snd( v1, cb13 ); in int v behavior B2B3( in int v1, ISend cb13, ISend c2, IRecv cb34) { B2 b2 ( v1, c2 ); B3stub b3stub( v1, cb13, cb34 ); void main(void) { par { b2.main(); b3stub.main(); } }; v
Lect-05.23CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Model (cont.) B3 B13rcv B34snd PE2 v1 behavior PE2( IRecv cb13, IRecv c2, ISend cb34 ) { int v1; B13Rcv b13rcv( cb13, v1 ); B3 b3 ( v1, c2 ); BSnd b34snd( cb34 ); void main(void) { b13rcv.main(); b3.main(); b34snd.main(); } }; int v1; B13Snd b13snd(v1, cb13 );
Lect-05.24CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Message-Passing Model (cont.) behavior Design() { ChMP cb13, c2, cb34; PE1 pe1( cb13, c2, cb34 ); PE2 pe2( cb13, c2, cb34 ); void main(void) { par { pe1.main(); pe2.main(); } } }; B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2 v
Lect-05.25CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Timed Computation Execution time of behaviors Estimated target delay / timing budget Granularity Behavior level / basic block level Annotate behaviors Simulation feedback Synthesis constraints behavior B2( in int v1, ISend c2 ) { void main(void) { waitfor( delay1 ); c2.send( ); } }; waitfor( B2_DELAY1 ); waitfor( B2_DELAY2 );
Lect-05.26CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Scheduling Static scheduling Fixed behavior execution order Flattened behavior hierarchy Serialize behavior execution on components B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 Dynamic scheduling Pool of tasks Scheduler, abstracted OS
Lect-05.27CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Model after Scheduling B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 v1 Statically scheduled PE1 behavior PE1( ISend cb13, ISend c2, IRecv cb34 ) { int v1; B1 b1 ( v1 ); B13Snd b13snd( v1, cb13 ); B2 b2 ( v1, c2 ); BRcv b34rcv( cb34 ); void main(void) { b1.main(); b13snd.main(); b2.main(); b34rcv.main(); } }; b1.main(); b13snd.main(); b2.main(); b34rcv.main(); b1.main(); b13snd.main(); b2.main(); b34rcv.main();
Lect-05.28CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Model after Scheduling (cont.) B3 B13rcv B34snd PE2 v1 behavior PE2( IRecv cb13, IRecv c2, ISend cb34 ) { int v1; B13Rcv b13rcv( cb13, v1 ); B3 b3 ( v1, c2 ); BSnd b34snd( cb34 ); void main(void) { b13rcv.main(); b3.main(); b34snd.main(); } }; No scheduling necessary for PE
Lect-05.29CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Model after Scheduling (cont.) B3 B13rcv B34snd B2 B1 B13snd B34rcv PE1 c2 v1 cb13 cb34 PE2 v1 behavior Design() { ChMP cb13, c2, cb34; PE1 pe1( cb13, c2, cb34 ); PE2 pe2( cb13, c2, cb34 ); void main(void) { par { pe1.main(); pe2.main(); } };
Lect-05.30CprE 588 – Embedded Computer SystemsFeb 10-12, 2009 Architecture Model Specification model Architecture model Communication model Implementation model Backend Architecture exploration Communication synthesis Component structure/architecture Top level of behavior hierarchy Behavioral/functional component view Behaviors grouped under top- level component behaviors Sequential behavior execution Timed Estimated execution delays