Module 4 Great Scientists The Student Who Asked Questions Module 4 Reading The Student Who Asked Questions
I. Word Review
1.We call the food that we eat regularly s_____ food. 2.A s_____ plant is a plant which doesn’t produce seeds. 3. The Chinese government has taken active measure to encourage peasants to give a high y____. 4. Most smokers are perfectly a____ of the dangers of smoking. 5. We must e____ more food ourselves and import less. taple terile ield ware xport
6. Our country has made a great ( 突破 ) _________in exploring the Antarctica. 7. The whole office________ ( 换了 ) a new computer system last year. 8. He is _____ ( 受害者 ) of the bad circumstances. 9. Hawking’s work was in the area of ________ ( 宇宙学 ). 10. The escape of _______ ( 辐射 ) from the nuclear power plant caused great damage to this area. breakthrough converted victim cosmology radiation
1. Read the text quickly and Find out the general idea of each paragraph II. Extensive reading.
Para 3: As a young teacher, he began experiments in crop breeding. Para 2: As a boy, he was called” the student who asked questions”. Para 1: Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world
Para 4: He discovered a new type of rice. Para 5: His discoveries has brought in great profit. Para 6: The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.
2. Decide whether the statements are true or false
1 Pakistan produces more rice than any other country. 2 Yuan Longping asked a lot of questions at school. 3 He developed a new kind of fast-growing rice. 4 The government helped him in his research. 5 The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometers. 6 The new rice is now grown in other countries, such as Pakistan. T F T T T F
III. Intensive reading 1.Read P1&P2 According to the passages, tell us: 1.what do you know about the rice- growing in the world. 2.what do you know about Yuan Longping.
2.Read Para 3 Do the close test
From an early age he ______________ plants. He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments______________. He thought that __________ feeding people was to have more rice and to _______ it more quickly. He thought there was only one way to do this--by_______ different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher _____ than either of the ______ plants. in crop breeding was interested in the key to produce crossing original yield
3. Read Para 4 Choose the correct answer
1.What kind of new type of rice did Yuan Longping discover? A. male B. sterile C. male and sterile 2.Who supported the research? A. Yuan himself B. His friend C. The government 3.What is the process of his discovery? a. Experimented with different types of rice. b. Began his research for a special rice c. Discovered a naturally sterile male rice plant A. b a c B. a b c C. b c a C C B
4.Read Para 5 What is the influence of his discovery? Rice production Field conversion Export
5. Read Para 6 在巴基斯坦,水稻是继小麦之后的第二 种最重要的作物并将在许多地方种植。 中国袁隆平高科技农业公司已开发出一 种新的杂交水稻。这种水稻的产量远高 于巴基斯坦其他种类的水稻。
IV. Write a description about Yuan Longping (in 100 words). Yuan Longping is… He was born and brought up…. When he was a boy, he was given the nickname… Later he studied… then he began... He discovered… As a result of his discovery….
? From what we learned in the text, what do you think is the most important things to be a scientist?
V. Homework: Writing
World youth (monthly) 有一 “ 人物 ” 专栏,刊 登各国青年人物的图片。我校校友李芳的 照片被采用。请根据以下资料,用英文写 一段 100 词左右的说明以便随图发表 姓名:李芳 性别:女 国籍:中国 出生年月: 1967 年 1 月 职业:化学工程 师 简历: 1985 年 7 月毕业于邹平一中,同年进 入北大学习, 1994 年起在上海的一家化学 公司工作。 主要事迹: 1994 年获化学博士学位,一家日 本公司高薪聘用,但被她拒绝; 1998 年因 特殊贡献获奖