The Photographer In Me. By: Maddie Belluno
Best Photo #1 This photo was taken right around Christmas. It is a decoration on a Christmas tree that was set up in our schools main entrance. The composition for this photo would have to be rule of thirds, because the decoration in the photo is almost In the center. The camera I used in this shot was on the my school’s cameras. Some things I could have changed would have be to put the tree decoration in the center of the photo to make this photo a Rule of thirds photo. For my photo edits I used many different edits, I changed the exposure, lighting and I also changed the shadowing to make some of the corners darker. The mood is like a warm Christmassy feeling. Be specific: I really like to take portrait photos, and photos of seasons. I don’t like taking photo’s of rooms or cafeterias. This picture is my favorite shot this semester.
Best Photo #2 This photo was taken during fall. The composition for this shot would be Grouping. I used one of the schools camera. I don’t really think I would change anything I really like how this photo turned out. For this photo the edits I used were, exposure, lighting, and color balance. I think the mood for this photo is vary colorful and bright. Be specific: This picture shows why I like to take pictures of seasons because there colorful, and bright and photos like this show you how the seasons change. I like to take seasonal pictures and portraits. I don’t like taking photo’s of rooms or cafeterias
Best Photo #3 This photo was taken in my schools library. The composition for this photo is selective focus. I used my schools camera. I really like how well this shot came out so I don’t think there is anything I would like to change. I changed the lighting, I used a little bit of shadowing and, turned the exposure down. I don’t really think there is a mood…… Be specific: I like to take seasonal pictures and portraits.
Best Photo #4 This is a photo of my friend Carl, it was taken out side of my school. I’m not really sure what the composition was on this photo. I used one of the schools cameras. I think I wouldn’t change anything I’m really happy with this shot because it was the first portrait I have ever taken and i love how well it came out. In this photo I changed the exposure and lighting. The mood is confused…. Be specific: I like to take seasonal pictures and portraits.
Best Photo #5 This was taken in my school cafeteria. I would say this photo is kind of a grouping composition because of all the different things in the shot. I used a school’s camera for this shot. In this photo I would have tried not to get the blur in the shot. In this photo I used HDR toning. The mood in this photo is a welcoming feeling. Be Specific: I like to take seasonal pictures and portraits.