Project Weekly Update Student/ Group
Project Plan WEEK 01 - Creative WEEK 02 - Pitch WEEK 03 - Pitch and proposal WEEK 04 - Deliverable login system and authentication WEEK 05 - Working on Loading simple assets and level WEEK 06 - Deliverable game prototype
Project Plan WEEK 07 - Working on the game, and client server transaction WEEK 08 - Deliverable Client server interaction with the game WEEK 09 - Working on sending and receiving gift to friend with the facebook app WEEK 10 - Deliverable the game WEEK 11 - Polishing the game WEEK 12 - Submit
Last 2 weeks W5:changing the game server’s networking api to lidgren W4:making unity3d client to communicate with mysql & game server through udp W4:making unity3d client to communicate with mysql & game server through udp