Day 2: Technology, Internet, and Powerpoint
Blog Question / What is your opinion of the role of technology in the music classroom as it pertains to your situation?
Hi all! These are wonderful and excellent responses. I am thrilled to be working with you all for the next three weeks. I can tell that it will be a good class! From your responses to the first question, I can tell that timing is a major issue due to all that we are trying to teach in our classes and that the spaces in the school where there is technology, i.e. the computer lab, is not available to music teachers. In addition, working in more than one school proves to be a challenge when incorporating technology into the classroom. A few suggestions that may or may not work in your particular case: 1. Tech grants. This might be the way to achieve computers or a Smart Board or a computer and an LCD projector for the classroom. If you fill out the TI:ME trial membership (the link is in the Day 1 powerpoint), you can go to the members only page and access the grants page. I update it every couple of weeks. It has numerous grants for teachers wanting to purchase technology equipment for their classrooms. Hint about tech grants: When you write the grant, go into detail about how you will utilize it that year. For example, using it to create podcasts and to incorporate composition software. When you get the grant, you use the technology equipment for the purpose of the grant. Then, after the first year, the tech equipment is yours to do with as you please in your music classroom.
2. The computer lab: In my school, it is used daily. I try to plan a month ahead and sign out the lab early. The computer teacher appreciates my organizational skills. If music is not allowed to sign out the lab in your school, collaborate with the other “special” teachers and present facts about how it will increase learning in your classroom. In addition, integrate with the other “academic” subjects. 3. Patience: It will take time to learn the tech that you would like to incorporate and to work out the tech glitches. Do not give up. Every teacher will tell you about their experiences with tech equipment and hwo they dealt with it. Some helpful hints: -Start small. Incorporate a piece of software on one computer and either have the whole class use it together or make a learning station. -Utilize your students. They are tech savvy. Tom Rudolph has the best anecdote: If you do not know how to burn a CD, ask your 6th grader and he/she will burn it for you. If you want the process explained to you, ask your 3rd grader. - Utilize your tech crew/IT staff. If you show an interest, my hope is that they will assist you. -Document. If your students are composing with Finale NotePad, then burn their compositions onto -a CD and have them take it home to their parents. Technology is an excellent way for your curriculum to leave - your classroom and enter the students’ homes.
Internet Basics / Network / Intranet vs. Internet / Bookmark or Favorites / Web Page vs. Website / Link / URL / Network / Intranet vs. Internet / Bookmark or Favorites / Web Page vs. Website / Link / URL
Teaching with Powerpoint / Examples / Tools / Assignments / Examples / Tools / Assignments
Teaching with Powerpoint / Exploring Powerpoint to create listening maps and presentations that would benefit a one-computer classroom. In addition, utilizing Powerpoint in the classroom so that your students use it to present music projects.
Kodály’s Viennese Clock Intro
THE END!!!!!!!!!! By Amy Burns