Overview for Faculty
How We Got Here Inflationary Pressures (LJ, 2009 & Ebsco) % increase since 2005 by discipline: 31-58% 2010 annual inflation estimate : 8-9% For UNCW, 2010 inflation estimate= $145,560-$163,755 Transition in information resources from print to electronic ownership (1-time) to access (subscription) Big package deals Dependence on declining state funding – next year will be worse.
Budget Overview 50% of library budget is for materials 80% of materials budget is for serials 7% Solution: 2.5 positions (1 librarian, 1 cataloging staff,.5 circ staff) Temps (Reference, Special Collections, Student workers in all areas) Travel -67% Supplies -10% Equipment -60% Book Budget -20% ($70,000)
Actions so far Requested funds from Budget Allocation Process Cancellations ($46,300 so far for 2009/2010) Titles in aggregators, e.g., EbscoHost Academic Search Premier Low use titles Invoices from carried over ($45,000) We need $200,000 cut in serials (11%)
Consortium Negotiation for Databases/Ejournals Pricing models have changed since 2002 Cancellation consequences for us Cancellation consequences for partner institutions
Wiley Interscience Carolina Consortium Deal
EBSCO Host Pricing Model for Carolina Consortium
Database Decisions Databases “ownership” moved to library serials list Usage statistics Indexing/abstracting only vs. full text
Library Serials List
Spreadsheets Titles for which your department is responsible; not everything that you have access to We will provide you with a print and an electronic copy Sorted: “Big Deal” Package Titles We may be allowed to cancel a small percentage of our titles in a given package, but by and large: We are not allowed to cancel these titles individually; if we cancel, we will be cancelling the entire package) Individual Subscriptions Not part of packages; able to be cancelled without reference to any other titles
Spreadsheets Fields in spreadsheets Immediately viewable:
Spreadsheets Fields in spreadsheets Hidden:
Spreadsheets Fields in spreadsheets Hidden: Historical payment information
Spreadsheets Ranking (E)ssential (U)seful (M)inimally useful; document delivery will suffice We will try as best we can to honor your preferences If you would like to make notes for us about particular titles on the spreadsheets, please do. If you do not see a title on your list that you use heavily, please add it to the bottom of your list and give it a ranking
Timeline September 1-4, 2009: Meetings with faculty leaders (chairs, library representatives) to discuss Serials Review and Reduction Project; faculty will be given title lists September 4-10, 2009: Faculty leaders circulate title lists to their departments and ask for response and comment September 11, 2009: Faculty leaders return spreadsheets with rankings to Arlene Hanerfeld ( ) or Rebecca Kemp ( )( ) September 15, 2009: Library staff send cancellation notices to subscription agent and publishers. We will update our website as we can regarding cancelled titles. January 1, 2010 OR renewal date Cancellations take effect
Thank you Thank you for attending this meeting. We know that this is a difficult process, and we want to help. Please contact us with questions or concerns. Sue Cody Interim University Librarian & Associate University Librarian for Public Services/Associate Professor Arlene Hanerfeld Associate University Librarian for Technical and Collection Services/Associate Professor Rebecca Kemp Serials Coordinator