Energy Efficiency Statewide Strategic Planning Effort and Progress Cathy Fogel, Ph.D., Analyst California Public Utilities Commission & Valerie Hall, Deputy Director Energy Commission ~Presentation for Joint Agency Energy Action Plan Meeting~ December 11, 2007
The Vision: IOUs to prepare a single, statewide IOU EE and DSM Strategic Plan thru 2020 –IOUs strategies and actions –Local govt, regional agencies, businesses and other stakeholders –CEC Codes & Standards, PIER IOU EE portfolios will reflect Plan Plan will be updated
Targets, Goals and the ‘BBEES’: All new construction zero net energy, by: –2020 (residential) –2030 (commercial) Revamp HVAC industry Utilities achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities CEC IEPR— State achieves 100% economic potential for energy efficiency thru standards, utility programs, other strategies
Time frame: November 5 th launch – February 1 st – IOUs file draft plan –Stakeholder and agency comment period May 15 th – IOUs file final plan –Formal comment period Fall – Commission adoption of Plan and Portfolios
‘End-to-End’ Solutions: Integration, Innovation, Collaboration Sector energy efficiency plans & targets Local governments have important role Integrated DSM approaches Marketing, education, outreach, training Emerging technologies & market transformation
Working Groups Contributing ResidentialCommercialAgricultureIndustrial Small HVAC BBEES New Residential Construction BBEES New Commercial Construction BBEES Residential Low Income Strategies Local Government Roles Emerging Technologies, Market transformation, and/or Code & Standards Integrated DSM & EE program development & delivery Integrated Marketing, Education & Outreach Work Force Education and Training Sector and cross-sector groups
Efficiency Planning & Progress Major CEC work efforts in efficiency include: –Appliance Standards –Building Standards –Efficiency with Solar –Efficiency in Existing Buildings These programs provide the foundation for and compliment the long term strategic efficiency efforts
Efficiency Planning & Progress Appliance Standards –Successful conclusion of the appliance data litigation –CEC approved an OIR to begin a new rulemaking for appliances –Hearing to consider Scope of rulemaking is expected mid-January –Lighting is the top priority and will be the first adopted
Efficiency Planning & Progress Building Standards –2008 Standards - Official rulemaking began November 16 –Hearing December 17 –Adoption scheduled for January 2008 –Effective date expected April 2009 –Statewide savings expected – for each year of construction: 549 Gigawatt hours 18 million Therms 129 Megawatts 396,520 tons CO2 (plus NOx, Sox, CO and PM10 reductions) Efficiency improvements 5% to 17 % above 2005 standards –Future Standards - - internal discussions, research and analysis already underway
Efficiency Planning & Progress Efficiency Efforts tied to Solar –Recommended efficiency strategies for new and existing construction in the SB 1 Guidelines –Possible adoption of SB 1 Guidelines on December 19 –New Solar Homes Partnership % of approved applications chose Tier II (35+% over Title 24)
Efficiency Planning & Progress Efficiency in Existing Buildings –Current efforts Primarily accomplished through CPUC and utility programs CEC efforts include developing home rating system rules CEC building and appliance standards cover existing buildings CEC programs for special sectors (local gov’t, schools, water, ag) –Future Efforts Point of sale efficiency - - mandatory efforts will require legislation Load management standards Adopt statewide targets for 2016 equal to 100% of economic potential Look deeper for water/energy improvements