College Planning Night by TRMC Guidance Department October 1, 2014
College Planning Calendar September Narrow your list of colleges to 5 to 10. Meet with your counselor about the schools, if not yet done, locate college applications and financial aid forms. Plan to visit as many of colleges as possible. Create a master list or calendar that includes: »Tests you’ll take and their fees, dates and registration deadlines »College application due dates »Financial aid forms required and their deadlines »Other materials you’ll need (recommendations, transcripts) »The application process at TRMC See your counselor if you can’t afford application and test fees, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. Register for SAT Reasoning and/or Subject Test and/or ACT if needed. Check to see if your colleges use the common application –
UCONN Cost 21,000 SAT Scores ,966 applied 13,339 accepted (44%) 3,114 enrolled
Central Connecticut State University Cost 19,000 SAT Scores ,473 applied 4,087 accepted (63%) 1,387 enrolled
Qunnipiac University Cost 51,000 SAT Scores ,825 applied 12,924 accepted (68%) 1,781 enrolled
Yale University Cost 58,000 SAT scores ,283 applied 2,109 accepted (7.7 %) 1,349 enrolled
Sending Test Scores Students are responsible for sending their scores to the colleges they are applying to During Registration –You have the ability to send scores to 4 schools for free up to two weeks after taking the test (before you see your scores) After receiving your scores –It will cost $11 per school
College Planning Calendar October SAT School Day October 15th Try to finalize your college choices. –Reach, Match, Safety Prepare early decision, early action applications Request letters of recommendation Attend local high school college fairs Complete a final draft of your college essay
CSS Profile Some schools require you to complete the CSS Profile for financial aid If you are applying to one of these schools, begin filling out this form after October 1 $25 for the first school, $16 for every additional school
College Planning Calendar November November 1-15: For Early admissions, colleges may require test scores and applications between these dates. November 18 Application Party Complete at least one college application by Thanksgiving. Communicate with your counselor frequently. Apply to any applicable scholarships. Schedule admissions interviews if necessary.
College Planning Calendar DECEMBER: Complete college applications Request for a FAFSA pin JANUARY: Complete FAFSA form on-line after January 1 Attend College Goal Sunday Have mid-year grades sent to colleges if required Continue scholarship search/applications
College Planning Calendar FEBRUARY: No senioritis! Colleges do look at second semester senior grades MARCH: Look for communication from FAFSA regarding your Student Aid Report (SAR) APRIL: Review college acceptance letters and financial aid packages to make final decision Contact Financial Aid offices if you have any questions about package Continue applying to scholarships
College Planning Calendar MAY: Send deposit to one college only before May 1 Inform non-attending schools of your decision JUNE: Request your final TRMC and TRCC transcript to be sent
School Responsibilities Send –Transcripts –School Profile –Common Application School Forms –Letters of Recommendation/CA Form
Student Responsibilities Write Essay Request Letters of Recommendation Complete college applications Send test scores through ACT or SAT website Complete FAFSA
Parent Responsibilities Assist with student responsibilities Complete FAFSA