1 Private Business Systems Unit Radiocommunications Agency
2 5GHz Band C – next steps February 2003
3 We hope to obtain final clearance to use band C for FWA in the next few weeks but there are conditions
4 Conditions for FWA use of Band C MoD approval, Concerns over Road Transport and Traffic Telematics to be addressed, Continued access to spectrum for ENG- OB FWA/FSS sharing issues addressed, Introduction of Licensing regime.
5 MoD Approval Exclusion zones around MoD installations Maximum EIRP of 2 Watts Mandatory use of DFS and TPC Access to spectrum is regulated by means of a licensing scheme
6 Other services Our studies indicate that the measures taken to gain MoD approval will also satisfy the requirements of RTTT, FSS and ENG-OB users of the band.
7 E-licensing We would like to open this band for FWA services on a light licensing basis We are working towards a fully electronic interface with as near immediate approval as possible Interface will be simple and will allow batch processing
8 Obtain final approval for FWA in this band complete IR 2007 and send to European Commission for 3 month standstill process Complete the e-licensing interface Hold final 28 day consultation on the whole package open band C for FWA Next steps
9 Questions? Private Business Systems Unit Radiocommunications Agency Wyndham House 189 Marsh Wall London E14 9SX RA Website