Sustainable Places 2015 Savona, Italy A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting Jose Luis Izkara Tecnalia
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 2 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Content of this presentation Project Overview. Technologies Retrofitting Strategies. Training.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 3 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Project Overview. Develop innovative technologies Develop a systemic energy efficient buildings’ retrofitting methodology for Public buildings Apply a “kit-concept” to the technologies in order to deploy adaptable and affordable solutions. Demonstrate and validate the methodology of retrofitting and use of the developed kits at three demonstration sites. Replicability validated further with virtual sites. Implement and exploit a training programme to provide training across Europe.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 4 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Project Video
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 5 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Technologies. Building Envelope Reversible Window Smart Lighting Smart Dual Thermal Substation
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 6 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Building Envelope External super insulated façade retrofitting system Internal super insulated façade retrofitting system Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) Using a VIP core material of fumed silica (thermal conductivity W/m.K) and placed in a thin metalized polymer laminate (providing vacuum, air and vapour tightness ) and reduces its thermal conductivity to 0.005W/m.K.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 7 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE The Application
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 8 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE KUBIK: Tecnalia’s full scale experimental infrastructure for R & D + i on energy efficiency. Allows validation of innovative products and systems in service conditions Prototype Validation at Kubik Internal panel prototype assessment: Installation Higrothermal performance outdoors indoors A2PBEER prototype installation Sensors location
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 9 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Prototype Validation at Kubik Internal panel prototype assessment: Installation 1 1 VIPs 2 2 Vapour barrier Studs Mineral wool 3 3 OSB PlasterBoard
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 10 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Prototype Validation at Kubik Internal panel prototype assessment: Thermal behaviour of Prototype thermal fluxes, Insterstial condensation Prototype Validation at Kubik Internal panel prototype assessment: Thermal behaviour of Prototype thermal fluxes, Insterstial condensation Prototype Validation at Kubik Internal panel prototype assessment: With thermal gradient around ~30ºC there are 5W/m 2 fluxes. Assesed Overall U value of façade = 0.15 W/m 2 K (11cm thickness) Interstial condensation assessment will be carried out in winter
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 11 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Main issue of existing low emissivity windows: low E coating is either on the outer (max. solar gain, desirable in winter) or the inner side (min. solar gain, desirable in summer) reversible window Breakthrough: to develop a reversible window, so that users can rotate the sash from winter to summer position and vice versa to change the position of low E coating to select the right configuration. Reversible Window
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 12 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE The innovative window concept is based on the idea of reversing sash in vertical or horizontal positions through the central axis. Prototype dimensions 900x1400mm Wooden profiles thickness of 90mm. Prototype DUE TO POSSIBLE PATENT APPLICATION NO TECHNICAL DETAILS AND DRAWINGS CAN BE SHARED
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 13 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Smart Lighting Kit A: High performance retrofitting envelope Kit B: Smart lighting systems Kit C: Smart Dual Thermal Networks Main Components: Sunlight collector and a fiber optic system Hybrid luminaires with LED and diffusers Controllers: presence detector and light intensity
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 14 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Prototype Validation at Kubik Sunlight collector and a fiber optic system Validation of control logic
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 15 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE x3 m2 room (without windows) Luminaires with LED, difussers and control system
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 16 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Bring natural sunlight to spaces where windows could never reach Let the sun shine where it never did before, through the flexibility of fiber optic cables A solution that makes you less dependent on windows and their position Not affected by the location of the sun, the smart receiver follows the sunlight
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 17 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Smart Dual Thermal Network. Dual Thermal Sub-Station To maximise efficiency a dual thermal approach to install absorption/ adsorption machines at building level and solar thermal systems with short term storage. Solar Collector System A solar collector with combined heating, cooling and energy storage, delivering twice as much energy compared to today’s state-of-the-art solar collectors.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 18 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE System final installation (real scalevalidation) Smart lighting system application in Kubik Office building in University Campus 1 Technological museum in mixed uses complex 3 Students dormitory in educational Complex 2 Demosites: 3 buildings with different uses and climate Sweden (Malmö) Turkey (Ankara) Spain (Bilbao)
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 19 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Retrofitting Strategies. To identify and collect existing data for the update of the Public Buildings and Districts in Europe To identify and evaluate EU national policies on legislation related to energy efficiency, environment and cultural heritage To analyse the different existing & innovative strategies and technologies at building and district scale To analyse the best international retrofitting practices To assess the Socio-economic impact of the Public sector retrofitting.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 20 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Training Develop a Training Plan with training material Carry out a Train the Trainers Course Carry out Training for SMEs with Demonstration Site Workshops
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 21 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Blended Learning Course (4 modules) Systemic Approaches and Integration Investigate technologies and strategies for Public Building and District Retrofitting Technology Review the four technologies deployed through A2PBEER Finance Overview of key aspects of financial appraisal of retrofitting projects and relevant financial mechanisms available (EPC, ESCO etc.) Case Studies WP6 into a “how to” approach tracing it through planning, integration of technologies and financing The course is supported using a Support Guide Toolkit.
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 22 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Support Guide Toolkit
A2PB A2PBEER – Affordable and Adaptable Public Buildings through Energy Efficient Retrofitting 23 GRANT AGREEMENT Nº: NMP2-SE Thank you for listening! FURTHER INFORMATION ON : Project Coordinator: Eneritz Barreiro Sanchez, Tecnalia