Metadata Interest Group Group Meeting at RDA Plenary 4 Amsterdam Keith G Jeffery Rebecca Koskela
Agenda Tuesday 23 Sept 2014, – Welcome and tour de table (and attendance sheet) 2. Progress since Dublin a.Cooperation across metadata groups b.Document ‘an approach to metadata’ to other groups c.Metadata getting a slot in group chairs pre-P4 meeting d.Use cases 3. Future plans a. Completed use cases b.Cooperation with other metadata groups c.Presentation at group chairs meeting Gaithersburg November d.Aim for recommendations and standards 4. Actions
Done and Planned P4 Amsterdam Co-chairs Keith Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela Our work to date has been – Document an ‘approach to metadata’ requested by DFT – Presentation for Pre-P4 Saturday With other metadata groups – Use case template (available on group webpage) – Forward plan And our plan for Amsterdam is – to interact with as many groups as possible so we can provide the overarching forum for all things meta data.
Objectives P4 Raise profile of metadata – For data first – But also software, resources, users Present MIG Plan – Which involves other metadata groups – and ~all RDA groups MIG MSDWG DICIG Directory Common Metadata ‘standard’ Interop- erability discovery contextual schema Brokering, interoperation, services OUTCOME Metadata architecture RDA Groups
MIG / other groups Plan – involves not only metadata groups but all RDA – Use cases into repository (DICIG) – Standards into MSDWG directory (MSDWG) – Analyse for commonalities and differences (MIG) – Propose canonical metadata ‘packages’ for ‘purposes’ (MIG) – Validation of ‘packages’ (domain groups) – Provision of convertors (this is a problem!) – Move to standardisation of ‘packages’ (RDA)
Discussion Willing to provide use cases? – Template on group webpage – Includes addresses to send completed use cases or comments on the template Willing to analyse commonalities and differences and propose ‘packages’ ? e.g. – Metadata for discovery – Metadata for evaluating relevance / quality – Metadata for understanding context – Metadata for interoperation
Actions Notes of meeting on website (Rebecca) Schedule of meetings (real or virtual) on website (Rebecca) Volunteers to send in to co-chairs – Completed Use case templates Templates on group webpage with addresses – (later) analysis sheets and ‘package’ proposals