Voluntary To choose to do a task, chore, job, or assignment without being told by another person
Mandatory A task, chore, job, or assignment that you must do
Voluntary Mandatory
Planting flowers in the garden Going to school Paying taxes Letting a classmate borrowing a book Send a care package to the US troops Following the classroom rules Turning in your homework Telling a joke to cheer up a friend Wearing a helmet when you ride a bike Help put the groceries away Picking up trash on the floor Stopping a red light Sharing toys with your sibling Being respectful to your classmates To pay for items in a store
Picking up trash Wearing a helmet Turning in your homework Paying taxes Send a care package to the US troops Help put the groceries away Stopping at a red light Planting flowers
Telling a joke to cheer up a friendGoing to schoolFollowing class rules To pay for items in a store Letting a classmate borrowing a book Being respectful to your classmates Sharing toys with your sibling