Chiral Kinetic Theory for Quark Matter 高建华 山东大学(威海) J.H. Gao and Q. Wang, arXiv:1504.07334 J.H. Gao, Z.T. Liang, S. Pu, Q. Wang and X.N. Wang, PRL 109, 232301(2012) “2015手征有效场论研讨会”,2015年8月14日-18日,山东威海
Outline Introduction Vector and Axial Currents Induced by Magnetic fields and Vorticity Magnetic Moment and Spin-Vorticity Coupling of Chiral Fermions Summary
Quantum Chromo Dynamics QCD : Quark Confinement: Asymptotic freedom: Chiral Symmetry breaking:
Gluon field configuration with topological winding number: Instanton & Sphaleron Gluon field configuration with topological winding number: PRD 28,2019; PRD 30,2212; PLB 155,36; PRD 36,581; NPB 308,885; PRD 37,1020; PRD 43,2027; PLB 326,118 …
CME & CVE Chirality imbalance: Strong magnetic fields: Large OAM: A+A 200GeV Large OAM: Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE) PRD22,3080(1980);78:074033(2008);NPA803,227 PRL106, 062301(2011); PRL109, 232301(2012)
Approaches to CME/CVE Gauge/Gravity Duality Erdmenger, JHEP 0901,055(2009); Banerjee,, JHEP 1101,094(2011); Torabian and Yee, JHEP 0908,020(2009); Rebhan, Schmitt and Stricher, JHEP1001,026(2010); Kalaydzhyan and Kirsch,, PRL 106,211601(2011) …… Hydrodynamics with Entropy Principle Son and Surowka, PRL 103,191601(2009); Kharzeev and Yee, PRD 84,045025(2011); Pu,Gao and Wang, PRD 83,094017(2011)…… Quantum Field Theory Metlitski and Zhitnitsky, PRD 72,045011(2005); Newman and Son, PRD 73, 045006(2006); Lublinsky and Zahed, PLB 684,119(2010); Asakawa, Majumder and Muller, PRC81, 064912(2010);Landsteiner,Megias and Pena-Benitez, PRL 107,021601(2011); Hou, Liu and Ren, JHEP 1105,046(2011); Hou, Liu and Ren PRD86(2012)121703…… Quantum Kinetic Approach Stephanov and Yin PRL 109,(2012)162001, Son and Yamamoto PRD 87 (2013) 8, 085016; Chen, Pu, Q. Wang and X.N. Wang, PRL 110 (2013)262301, J.Y. Chen, Son and Stephanov PRL115, 021601 (2015)
Wigner Functions Classical transport theory: Probability density function Quantum transport theory: Wigner functions The ensemble average of Wigner operator: Wigner operator for the spin-1/2 fermion is given by: Gauge link The equation satisfied by Wigner operator or function: D.Vasak, M.Gyulassy, H. Elze Annals Phys. 173 (1987) 462-492
Quantum Transport Equations Wigner equations for massless collisionless particle system in constant EM field: Wigner functions can be expanded as : Vector and axial vector parts: Scalar, pseudoscalar and tensor parts:
Perturbative Expansion Scheme Rewrite Wigner equations by left-hand (s= +1) and right-hand (s= -1) parts Derivative and weak field expansion: One more operator One more order Iterative Equation: The equations can be solved in a very consistent iterative scheme !
The Solution up to the First Order The 0-th order equations: The 0-th order solutions take the local equilibrium form: The first order solution can be given by : :Local flow 4-velocity :Temperature
Currents and Energy-Momentum Tensor Recall: Integrate over the momentum All the conservation laws and anomaly can be derived naturally:
CME , CVE, CSE and LPE CME: CVE: Chiral separation effect: Local polarization effect: LPE should be present in both high and low energy heavy-ion collisions!
Chiral Magnetic Effect STAR collaboration PRL 103 (2009) 251601 + _ PRD22,3080(1980);78:074033(2008) NPA803,227 Azimuthal Charged-Particle Correlations
Chiral Vorticity Effect PRL106, 062301(2011); PRL109, 232301(2012) Consider 3-flavor quark matter (u,d,s), Electric current: Baryon current:
Chiral Magnetic Conductivity HTL/HDL results from chiral kinetic theory: PRD87,034028(2009), NPB337,569(1990), JHEP0510,056(2005), PRD89,096002(2013)
Wigner Functions in Arbitrary EM Fields Wigner equations for massless collisionless system in arbitrary EM field: Spherical Bessel Functions Triangle Operator: only act on EM fields Wigner function Decomposition: Left-hand (s= +1) and right-hand (s= -1) parts
Linear Response Theory for Wigner Functions Weak Field Approximation: Zero-th Order Equation:
Linear Response Theory for Wigner Functions The first Order Equation: Formal solution: Parity –odd part of the Wigner function in momentum space:
Chiral Magnetic Conductivity Induced currents: Chiral Magnetic or Parity –odd Conductivity: HTL / HDL result:
Energy Shift and Magnetic Moment Effective Energy of Chiral Fermion: Energy Shift: Magnetic moment of massless fermion: Spin Vector: Son and Yamamoto, PRD87,085016(2013) Gao and Wang 1504.07334
Energy Shift and Magnetic Moment I Particle density with : Phase-space measure with the Berry curvature: Berry curvature Effective energy: Energy shift: Magnetic moment
Energy Shift and Magnetic Moment II Energy density with : Phase-space measure with the Berry curvature: Effective energy: Berry curvature Energy shift: Magnetic moment
Energy Shift from Spin-Vorticity Coupling Particle density and energy density with : Effective energy: Energy shift: Spin vector
Summary A consistent iterative scheme to solve Wigner equations has been set up. Wigner functions can describe CME, CVE, LPE, magnetic energy shift and spin-vorticity coupling in a very consistent way, Up to now, it is the only chiral kinetic approach that could give the result of one-loop parity-odd conductivity. All these successes demonstrate that Wigner functions capture comprehensive aspects of physics for chiral fermions in EM fields. More interesting results are expected from Wigner functions.
Thanks for your attention!