The Medieval Church Note Entry #33
During the medieval era the Catholic Church was the most powerful influence in western Europe. It filled the role that the Roman Empire had held over social and political roles.
The Church taught that everyone was a sinner and the only way to receive grace (forgiveness) was to take part in the sacraments (rituals) of the church. The rituals were --baptism--penance --Eucharist--confirmation --matrimony--anointing the sick --holy orders
Most people had very little understanding of what went on at church Masses were said in Latin Few people could read or write Priests were poorly educated
The Catholic Church was divided into a hierarchy Pope Cardinals Bishops/diocese Priests/local parishes “Secular Clergy” Monks & Nuns were the “regular clergy”.
The Benedictines Formed in Italy in 520 AD Became the model for monks everywhere They set the standards for monks to live by: poverty, prayer, physical labor and chastity. Some orders also included silence. Nuns followed the same rules. Monks and nuns often served as the only source of schools, hospitals and hotels.
Friars also preached to the people They lived by the same rules as the monks but traveled around the country. Franciscans named after Francis of Assisi; respect nature Dominicans named after a Spanish monk; effective speakers; could deal well with heretics.
The Inquisition In 1215 Pope Innocent III laid down the rules for heresy Def: the willful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptized member of the church In 1232 the Church set up a court to try heretics called the Inquisition. It was supposed to convince those who were labeled heretics to ask for forgiveness. Those who would not confess or ask forgiveness were often tortured.
Heretic’s fork Inquisition chairBurning at the stake Head crusher
The Church has system of justice to guide people’s conduct All medieval Christians expected to obey canon law—Church law Canon law governs marriages and religious practices Popes have power over political leaders through threat of -excommunication—banishment from Church, denial of salvation -interdiction—king’s subjects denied sacraments and services Kings and emperors expected to obey pope’s commands
Pope Gregory VII bans lay investiture— kingsappointing Church officials Henry IV orders pope to resign; Gregory VIII excommunicates Henry Henry goes to Canossa, Italy, to beg Gregory for forgiveness Gregory forgives Henry, but lay investiture problem is not solved Concordat of Worms Compromise made in 1122 in Worms, Germany Pope appoints bishops, emperor can veto appointment